Thursday, May 31, 2007
Q & A
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tara at Bella Pink You can find all kinds of stuff there. Love all the inspiration. Her little botique is called Bella Pink. Now I don't mean to post sites that sell stuff. I don't get a kick back or discount or credit. I am just amazed at some of the business savvy women we have out there and I am all for supporting a woman with children trying to work at home.
She has been featured in a few magazines. I can't even imagine what that would feel like. Maybe then my Sister inlaw would realize that I actually do have style and I didn't need to shop at Hallmark.........her favorite store.........but we're not talking about my family dynamics are we? :)

I could be wrong, but I think my husband would walk right past this beauty.

She even does some scrapping.
Such a sweet site. I can't wait to find more treasures
Monday, May 28, 2007
Meg Duerksen!

Today's post is a cute girl named Megan. I found her from posting right here. Her blog is good wholesome family life. I am new to her and I fell in love with her scrap style right away. Very me. It looks like Megan lives in a very old and very cool home. I felt like a peeping Tom looking at the edges of her photos for a better glimpse of this house. Can you see it in the above photo? It looks does she. So come on Meg, give us a full frontal.............of your house that is. (dirty readers, get your mind out of the gutter)
Look at this door? And that old clock! Love that chalkboard door idea! Photos like these really have me missing my old 1912 home.
This craft room looks like it has a personality all of it's own. It's quirky,'s alive with creativity. I wouldn't be surprised if this room didn't have a first name.
I love her layouts. They have that simplistic artisic flair. Her photos are pretty cool. I wish my pine wood derby photo had turned out this good.
Just quickly reading Megan's blog, I could easily see her priorities are in place. Family. She seems like a great mommy who is having the time of her life.
OK Megan, I want to see more of your house. Give it up.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Do something creative.......or better yet, buy something creative. :) I bought bandaids today that look like a piece of bacon. I'm not going to show them to my son until that dreaded day he gets hurt. I bet they stop the crying in a snap.
Have a safe and happy weekend!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Funky Finds!

Hey guys, thanks SO much for all the great comments. I can't wait to visit your sites. And did you see? We hit over 10,000!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
You guys ROCK!
I have had so much fun posting sites and hearing from you all. Please let me know what type of sites are the most inspiring to you.
If you are a lurker, that's ok too.........but I DO love seeing all the commenters sites. So come on, leave a comment so I know who you are.
Have a great day everyone!
just checking back in................We only need less than 100 hits to make it to an even 10,000............whoo hoooo! I love hearing from all you lurkers.......but some of your links don't work for me. :) Come on you crafty people.........leave me a comment. I wanna see your craftliness.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

And these dear people. Are they the cutest dancers you have ever seen? You can tell they had the time of their lives at the wedding. I can almost hear the music.

This is amazing. A shadow shot. Simply beautiful.

Monday, May 21, 2007
The Cottage Gals

Let's see...........distressed white or black furniture, flee markets, darling old chairs.............I'm sold!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Dottie Angel
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Cherry Hill Cottage
(somehow the comments were turned can now comment on CherryHill Cottage)
Tina is as sweet as the sweet tea I imagine her serving. Once again, I see myself sitting at her table having a piece of pie. I feel like I have met so many wonderful ladies. I still think we should do a Creative Blogs Luncheon.
Anyway........Tina's Cherry Hill Cottage in Texas is cute cute cute. I love all the toile......pronounced TWall........:) Love how she incorporates all her reds with the black TWall. :) You know how I love red. She is a thrifter, flee market queen and finds the delight in creating something out of the her treasures. I love it when someone can mix several fabric designs and make it work.

I love the idea of a tea cup chandelier with bird seed in it...........CUTE! I may have to try that idea.

Her photos are so inspiring...........I may even clean my house tonight.
Go give Tina some love.........tell her I sent you.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Creative Outlet Designs!

Today I bring to you that gal, who I don't even know her name, but her website/blog stops me in my tracks everytime I visit. She is just a mommy with some serious style that found a niche and has made quite the business. I love it when Mom's create a business so they can be home with the babes. I have never seen anything like what she does. Her designs have even been sold to "famous" people..........I don't doubt that for one minute.

I don't sew, so this seems.........or is it seams............he he seems so unbelievable what she can do with a pair of jeans or a tee shirt.