Fabulous Friday Giveaway Winner is 1.Jan with Tomato Baby –
3. Kristin with SPecatcular Sidaway
please email me. Krjdemmon@comcast.net
It’s no secret how I love recycling. Whether it’s re-purposing furniture, or using household items to craft with…….items you may dispose of otherwise.
Creative Jewish Mom is all about keeping her kiddo’s busy and using simple ideas around her house to do it.
We all have beans in the house……what about using them to teach with? Just make sure your little ones are old enough to not shove these perfect sized beans up their nose….not that my son did that…… This would have been perfect for pre-schoolers or Kindergartners. I wish I would have thought of this…
What I love about Creative Jewish Mom , is how she makes beautiful projects without having to make a run to a local craft store…….Lord knows they get enough of our money.
Who needs fancy beads, when you can make them from rolled paper? Another great way to recycle all those $5/yr mags we all bought off Amazon.Paper or Plastic? We take our own bags here, but I’m sure there are many of you that have a ton of those urban tumble weeds. (plastic grocery bags) She has found a wonderful way to make them useful after bringing your groceries home. She has a full tutorial (TUTORIAL!!!) on how to make Plarn (plastic + Yarn = Plarn) to crochet with. She made this placemat. So cool!
While we’re solving the worlds plastic bag problem, she has another interesting tutorial for fusing plastic bags and making things like….coasters.
Another great reminder for recycling…..using cans to hold our gifts………some spray paint and you can create a real masterpiece.
I thought this was interesting…….except the Styrofoam liners in my house come from meat, and never thought about washing them…..but she took hers and made some stamping projects. Reminds me of screen printing. Love it.
While we have the kids involved, we may as well bring back the lost art of pomander making………you don’t have to worry about lead poisoning with oranges and cloves. Great way to keep the kids busy for awhile…….and it smells good too.
If you’re kids whip through that too quickly, then you can move on to making your own beads. Another full tutorial is just waiting for you on her blog.
Here’s a cool piece of homemade art using embroidering hoops…… I’d like to see about 5 of these hanging from my craft rooms ceiling……or what about in a play room, or above the crib? If I learned anything from her blog is was to look at the everyday for inspiration. I love to decorate with fruits and such…….but I had never thought about putting them in a jar of water……..or in coffee cups….Love it.
The things I learn from all you other bloggers! I love it!
Come back tomorrow – You guys have been rockin Get Your Craft On!
Creative Jewish Mom has some great ideas. I would never have thought of the plastic bag crochet idea. This is a great one to teach kids as a Saturday craft. As always, thank you for sharing another creative site. I am learning so much.
Sara is great!! and her Blog too!!! :)
Thanks for another creative blog--can't wait to check it out!
Cute ideas! Thanks for sharing!
I taught Kindergarten and First Grade for 15 years and never thougtht about writing letters on big beans!!!!
Happy Day to Creative Blog!
I do adore me some Creative Blog!
Delighted to be a SPECIAL FEATURED BLOG!!!!!
Oh what an honor!!!
I just sent you extra hugs and kisses!!
thank you for sharing another creative site. I am learning so much.
Work from home India
Now THAT'S a creative blog! I love it all and I'm on my way over there to check out some of her crafty ideas! :)
Recycling is the best. I make toys from recycled items( I have a blog devoted to it )and I am always looking for other moms that are like minded and have great ideas. Thanks for connecting me with another soulmate.
so glad to have found your blog! ... your oranges with cloves reminded me that my grandmother used to make those and then put them on top of the wood stove in the winter so the aroma would waft throughout the house...
ok....i love. love. love your blog! and i love. love. love. that your are from oregon!
i just moved the the midwest from corvallis and i miss it so much (just don't miss the rain).
so happy i stumbled upon your blog....
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