Oh My Stars! Apparently I’m not the only one in love with burlap. Apparently I AM the only one who hasn’t sewn anything with it………BECAUSE I DON”T SEW! But if I did, I would make this……..even if I don’t have a round table…..but I do have a chair with this exact fabric!!! I’m cool, I’m cool, I’m cool.
Back to the Burlap….I love burlap! JenJen has many many projects she’s completed using burlap. And guess what? She has lots of tutorials! TUTORIALS!!! Oh happy day! Lickity split, you’ll have yourself a brand new table cloth! If you sew of course.
Tatertots and Jello is one of the cutest names for a blog. She is CRAZY for burlap and that’s why I’m crazy for her.
Let’s see………she made burlap flowers for a burlap memo board……magnet board actually….yes….there is a tutorial.
And these adorable really really cute pillows……..she has them on her new kitchen nook. I wonder how she did the graphics?
OH! Well lookie here. A tutorial! She used transfer paper to print the image …….so clever.
She claims these are no sew pillows…..I don’t believe it….but I’ll go back and read through her tutorial again.
She decided one morning to make a few tassels. She grabbed a few scraps from around the house and even used her old knobs from her cabinet remodel as the top. Yes…….she has a tutorial…….
Clever clever clever. Yes…..there’s a quick kitchen update on her blog. Now I want new knobs…….my husband is thinking this blogging bit is giving me way to many ideas.
While we’re talkin knobs……..holy mother of all that’s good……..would you look at this door knob? I MUST have one of those. MUST!
Oh look……more burlap. I told you….she is crazy for burlap. This was a quick and fairly easy tutorial.
Her neighbors must hate her….She’s probably got the best wreath on the block.
Yep……..there’s a tutorial……. Are you starting to get palpitations from all this tutorial talk?
I thought these were interesting. A unique way to make some bling bling.
She posted some photos of her craft room to prove to us that her house isn’t perfect. (love the shutters by the way)
Are you thinking what I’m thinking? What a hideous mess……….WHATEVER!
I’ll be sending her a photo of what a real mess is, because apparently she’s never seen one. Yea……her craft room is a real eye sore. :)
It’s a wonder she can create anything…….let alone one of these most treasured cookie sheet advent calendars. I swear every year I’m doing one of these.
Ok now……do the right thing and go leave her a nice comment.
Get ready for Get Your Craft On Tuesdays. Don’t be shy….link up your creative projects. Something you’ve made, decorated or repurposed….if it’s creative, link it.
Like this post? It’s sponsored by Amber’s Announcing You
Such creative goodies! I wish my creative space was so messy! ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
What an excellent choice for Monday!
This is one talented blogger.
Please stop by and see my $15 craft closet makeover.
Love the wreath and the cute button creations! Holding my breath until I have a craft room to make into a mess! :)
Your not alone, I love burlap but I to cannot sew ( yet ). I love Jen, she is amazing. And uh so is her craft room, I love her table!
I love burlap and have made beautiful curtains with burlap. I'll have to blog abouth them. They look so Bahama breezy!
frugal too!
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments! You have made my week! I love your blog so so much!
PS -- come over for my New Moon giveaway today if you have time.
Plus, she's so dang friendly!
Oooooooooooo...I love it.....
that craft room makes my heart skip a beat.or two.
Yay JenJen!! She is such the sweetest thing and has some of the most amazing things to share! You didn't go wrong with featuring her. She's a true talent and a wonderfully kind blogging friend!
Oh yes! I love her blog! She is so extra talented and everything she does is so adorable. :)
I LOVE burlap and JEN!!!
-Jill@Barnes Yard
oooh the doorknob. Also love the vinyl number on her door. Great pick as always.
I love those ideas!!!!
Wow! I love burlap too and I do sew but I still haven't made anything. One of these days. Thanks for sharing the inspiration. :)
Oh my stars!! I love JenJen! She's a fabulous friend and such an inspiration!
JenJen is awesome! Glad you found her. She has the best ideas and can redo anything on a budget. :)
She's awesome!
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