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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Get Your Craft On

Get YOUR Craft on! Grab this image for your post!

Oh how I LOVE this day! I love seeing all the different creative projects you’re working on. There is so much talent out there! I love how this is such a great place to gain new ideas. Kimba from A Soft Place To Land……..a past feature……..she also has a link up for creative projects. She had hers first and I know what you’re thinking……NO! I DID NOT COPY HER! I about died when I saw hers….Do you think she thinks I copied her? Well she doesn’t……as least that’s what she told me when I told her how embarrassed I was that I was doing something similar……ok…….the same. So after linking here, head on over to hers and link again. The more the merrier.

If you’re a Get Your Craft On Sista linking your creative mojo below, please grab my button above and post it on your blog.

I'm having issues with MckLinky.......if you left your link in comments, I am slowly transferring them over. Feel free to add it again.


Anonymous said...

The Internet is a big place! :) And the biggest form if flattery is a copycat! Here's my Acorn Pumpkin Craft!!

Suzanne in TX said...

Kim--I don't see "Mr. Linky"??? I wanted to participate with my tutorial for making Fandangles (adornments for your ceiling fans), Here's the link to my blog post:

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

'Tis the season for....Pumpkins. Have you tried felting mini-pumpkins? It's lots of fun -- and involves lots of poking and stabbing at wool! Directions are found at my blog. Have fun!
-- Jodi

René said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
René said...

Kim, I enjoy both ASPTL and Today's Creative Blog. With all this talent, there is room for everyone. I don't see Mr. Linky, wanted to share my craft.

BJ_Mama said...

I'm linking UP!

Kim said...

Do you need to make a last minute Halloween treat - this is a easy, perfect treat!

Anonymous said...

Kim, I visit your blog just about every day and have enjoyed your talent and the talent of others that you share with us.
Did I miss the winners of your give away from Friday?

Anonymous said...

I've got a great girlfriend gift post all ready to share!

Girlfriend Gift


Melissa Lester said...

The girlfriend in you is sure to love these personalized travel mugs, and I think the fitness trainer in you might even approve of these make-at-home pumpkin spice lattes!

Jingle said...

I posted an art doll today! Look around, though, because I posted a fun project on Sunday, too!

You Want To Spread Your Wings....>

seven thirty three said...

I guess I'll leave my Diaper Box to Treasure Chest link here since Mr. McLinky seems to be missing....

Very easy and very fun! :)

seven thirty three said...

Oh and I've been participating over at A Soft Place to Land for several weeks now... LOTS of good ideas over there! Definitely check it out.

Queen B. said...

I'd love to participate !

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

You can never have enough crafty ideas! I'm sharing a framing project today...


Karen The Graphics Fairy said...

I think both parties are so much fun, and sharing is always a good thing, the more the better! I don't see Mr. Linky, he must be hiding today!

Linda@CraftaholicsAnonymous said...

I'm not seeing Mr. Linky either. But here's a link to my Crib Spring transformation:

I'll check back later to see if it's up.

Anne said...

I just finished my Día de los Muertos Skull yesterday. Hope you enjoy it!

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

I posted this a couple of weeks ago, but I just love it!

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Stop by and get some kid craft ideas and ck out my caramel apple bucket!!

Anonymous said...

You can never have too many crafty blog parties!!

I made a fun fall wreath this week. Check it out!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Here is a bit of Halloween Decor my style...FAST + EASY!

Thanks! Janell

Suzanne in TX said...

Wow--I've already found so many great ideas that everyone is sharing this week! I need to make a trip to the craft store today! Thanks so much for hosting such a fun event, Kim.

Alisa said...

I don't think you cn have too many crafty ideas out there. Thanks for hosting.

Here's a few things I've been working on.

Pamela said...

Halloween Garland ~ easy and a great idea for any holiday this one is perfect for Halloween.

Clean and Classic Interiors said...

I'm loving all the pumpkin decorations so here is my take on Primping My Pumpkins!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

Mine is a pillow made using digital scrapbooking elements.

sarah said...

Here is mine for
Sweet little Jar pies-

Rachel@MyPinkFlipFlops said...

I made a pumpkin with mod podge and tissue paper!

Mod Podge Bronze Pumpkins

Jane B. said...

Here's my fun, crafty project! It's personalized wall art for my daughter's bedroom!

Jane @ Finding Fabulous

hjn said...

Mama Holli is making Turkey Tins!
Gobble Gobble!

Julie said...

A simple little fall project from Julie at The Ice House :)

gigharborscrapper said...

Two crafts today, a revolving magnetic calendar (making these for Christmas gifts) and some halloween $cylinders

Leanne said...

Hi Kim, Thanks for hosting again. I made a mobile for my niece's baby shower that she can put in the baby's room too. -Leanne

Rachelle said...

One more Halloween project!


Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said...

Looking forward to seeing all the great projects! Thanks for the link up!

Room to Inspire said...

So many great ideas! I loved going through all the great blogs.


Kimba said...

Awwww. Thanks for the major mention! I LOVE to get my CRAFT on with TCB! And I LOVE that there's plenty of room around blogland for all of us!

You're the best, Kim!

Down Home DIY said...

My mom always said that "you are only as good as those you surround yourself with!" So I say the more creative places to share and inspire the better. It only makes us all that much better!!

Maggie Muggins said...

I just linked up. I've missed doing this since I had my son, but I'm back!