I love how she stages them and gives them personalities...........after looking at a few photos, you actually start believing they are real.
Her whole site has a great sense of humor. It's a feel good site for sure.
Love the kittens! Those green eyes.........I think this is one of my favs.
Ok, I didn't see this one coming at all.............this pink little french girl is made from Bra parts.... Now that's a creative mind.
Twins! She made these for a gal who is a member of the Red Hat Society. Darling.
Doesn't his little eye patch just melt your heart? Very cute. I'm trying to decide if he's a pirate or if he had an injury.
Another very creative look at what you can do with............a wash mitt?? Who knew?.........WOW!
And these little darlings! They just crack me up........hanging out in a tree and everything.
So head on over to Fluffy Flowers and see what little creatures can make you smile.
How adorable! I going over to look at her site....
I love Felecia's website, I think she's so creative!
those are hysterical! especially the little gnome guys.
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