The memory and story always sends my husband into hyterical laughter..........he's a city boy. I grew up in Central Oregon. We had just had a house built in the high desert. While moving in, my dad hooked up the TV so us kids would have something to do and hopefully wouldn't be bothering my parents while they were so busy unpacking and such. Well, back in the day, we didn't have cable in Central Oregon, you had to use an antenna..........and my Dad thought he could just prop it up against the house instead of climbing to the roof...........but that didn't work...........so he saw an old pile of stuff.......not uncommon out in the toolies........and one item was an old bed springs...........Yep, he hooked the TV up to it, propped it up and it worked great. So when the channel wouldn't come in clear, one of us would go out and jimmy the springs....maybe that's where my love of vintage decor comes from???.........ahh memories. Maybe I'll tell you about floating down the irrigation ditch in a burnin......not burninG, but burniN barrel someday...... Thanks Stephanie
Oh, that's right, this post is about Stephanie. Not me and my back country ways.........
Stephanie has a great scrap style! I love how she does the one photo thing, but seems to really document an important mile stone, event, etc.... 

She's a busy momma, about to get busier in about 8 months. But for some reason I think she'll be just fine. She seems to have tons of energy and zest for life.
Go check her out. Tell her I sent you. :)
So So creative!!! Stef just rawks!! Love her flair!!! xoxo
thank you!!
glad i could make you smile!!~
Love that idea too! She has great pictures and layouts to display as well!
The bedspring antenna made me laugh. LOL
I posted about this blog on scrapinstyletv.com today -because this blog is too cool,I love all the blogs I discover here!
oh i adore stephanie!!
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