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Monday, August 9, 2010

Smarty Pants

We all know I can’t sew……..yes yes yes…….it’s true……..and we all know how much I hate when women show off that they CAN sew……..but then you have women who, not only can they sew…..they bump it up a notch……..and sew bedding…..QUILTS!  Whatev…. I am flabbergasted by these women.  There is nothing like an old quilt or a new one to be passed down through the generations.  The blood, sweat and tears that must go into making them…….and maybe a few curse words if you sew like my mother.  She was always so cranky when she sewed. She never made a quilt, but school clothes….oh how I just wanted to buy that new pretty skirt at JC Penny’s……but no… mom had to make it…..She would always forget a few straight pins when it was time to try things on…….hmmmm, perhaps that’s why I shy away from sewing?  :)

But I doubt there are many curse words in

Diary of a Quilter

with Amy Smart.  I met her at the Utah GNO, and she seemed well adjusted……and very very nice.

You’ll find lots and lots of quilts on her site. She even sells quilt kits in her Etsy.  image  She sells quilts too…….this one below is for sale.  image Here’s her fav…….it’s gorgeous, but WOW!  I can’t imagine the curse words my mom would have been saying.imageI think this baby one is my faav… all the fabrics……Pretty darn cute.image And you know she can sew other stuff if she’s talented enough to sew all those fancy quilts! 

Fancy burp rags……A baby needs to burp in style.  Those are way cuter than anything my son had.image

Go surprise her and tell her I featured her.  I never tell people………I let you guys surprise them. 

Do you have a favorite quilt?  Come post a photo on my BlogFrog Community.  We’d love to see it!

But!……before you go, be sure to enter my Lisa Leonard Giveaway by leaving a comment on any and all August posts.image


Allison said...

I have such a respect for folks who are talented quilters! A beginner sewer myself--I can't sew a straight line yet, so quilts are a little out of my league, though I did make one for my baby girl out of her baby clothes. Love your blog--thanks for gathering crafting inspiration from around Blogland for us!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could make such beautiful things like the quilts you have posted!!!My kids godmother's mother makes these quilts for them so my kids do get to enjoy and have these quilts even if mommy can't make them!! Love the Lisa Leonard stuff you are posting too!! Hope to win giveaway!!

Alisha McWhorter said...

I recently discovered the hobby of sewing thanks to my mom who has an ability I aspire to. I was actually able to make the bedding for my baby girl's room, but I still have a ways to go. My next big project is actually a Tshirt quilt, made from some of my old college Ts. Considering the only quilt I ever made was for a project in 5th grade, this should be interesting.

TL said...

I love cute burp rags, I don't know why but they are pretty cute.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Beautiful quilts! I am headed to check out her blog. Jackie

Clean Mama said...

That red + white quilt is gorgeous! Off to tell her :)

Becky Fyfe said...

I'm going to go and check out her site. I can't sew either, but I wish I could. I even have a quilting sewing machine. I love the idea of making my own quilts, but my sewing machine confounds my sewing-challenged brain.

Wander said...

I have only one quilt that I actually did all by myself. Cause....I don't sew either!

But, I love it and have it hanging in our hallway!

Oh and I lurve Lisa Leonard!

amy smart said...

What??!? Oh my goodness! Kim, thanks so much for the shout out!! I am so flattered and very honored to be included at TCB!

It was so much fun meeting you in REAL life too. Many thanks!

PS. I recycle. :) Just thought that tidbit would make you happy.

Aunt Spicy said...

Amy is a rock star, I am so glad you featured her as not only is she super talented, she is also such a good good person.

Ps. You should give sewing a go, I think you'd like it!

Tina@HickoryDickoryHome said...

I sooo want to be a quilter! This has inspired me to try something new! Thanks for bringing this blog to my attention! :)

Clandestine Road said...

Even the thought of sewing leaves me chewing my fingernails. At some point, I will learn, but for now, I'll just admire other's work.


Erika M. said...

My husband's grandparents were fabulous quilters and I still treasure the quilts that they made for us.

The Mother Huddle said...

Still one avenue I have yet to wander down...quilting.
I love Amy's blog, fabulous inspiration for the day I finally do!

Lauren said...

Love me some Lisa Leonard! =)