I hope you all are ready for some amazing ideas today! I love those ideas that were thought up outside the box…..using something ridiculously expensive for inspiration. Because we all know just because it cost a lot, does NOT mean it’s better or not tacky……or worth it.
Beth has a wonderful blog with my kind of ideas! Things that make me all warm and fuzzy! Beth lives in here……..and as you can tell, she remodeled her half…..and she’s been asked to help the new owners with the other half.That is NOT a photo shopped photo. Here place is obviously on the Left.
She’s takes us through all her decorating challenges, changes and ideas! I loved every minute of it.
This is the 3rd numbered staircase I have seen! I am even more motivated to somehow get one in my home. I’d love to have it be my stairs leading to the upstairs, but I think I’ll have to settle for the ones leading to our daylight basement. I love them. I have to have them.While we’re talking about numbers…….can we really have too many numbers? Because I don’t think so. I’m still planning a little hutch re-do with some numbers…….I gotta get busy.
Put your drink down, because this next project will have you gasping!
I know! I’m doing it too……I may already have some jars around this place.
She’s got a full tutorial about it and make sure to read it in case you’re like me and had the DUH moment about not using the inside lid. DUH!
Her porch is lovely. A few more numbers. I’ll have an iced tea please. Actually I’ve been craving a Mojito.
No numbers, but monograms. And seriously……..this looks straight out of a Pottery Barn catalog.
Master bedroom……..Yum, that fabric is pretty yummy.
She’s talented at decorating cupcakes too…….Super mom made these for her little boys 6th birthday. They also went canoeing. See the theme?
She shares “life in the city” stories with her readers. Like when her trash can was stolen. She thought long and hard about it and decided to take matters into her own hands…….
She decided to deliver the lid.
The girl is crafty! I think I just fell in love with her.
She’s smart too…….she wasn’t going to lose another can to some fool.
She marked her territory. Now I have never seen a decorated trash can before. I would steal this too……the idea, not the can….except our little city supplies these ugly dark blue ones.
If you’re looking to spruce up your place with original ideas, you’ll be happy as a clam visiting her blog. Don’t forget to surprise her about being featured here. I love that!
Also, make sure to leave me a comment. All comments are entered to win a Lisa Leonard necklace. If I’m going to beg for comments, at least I’m making it worth it. The more comments you leave in a month, the better your chances.
LOVE all of those numbers!!!
Headed over to visit her now!!! Too many ideas swarming thru my head already, though!!!
Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE it that she decorated her garbage can! I hope it works and deters another pesky thief. I, for sure, will check her out. I already love her style!
Great ideas and inspiration! I love numbers too!
Definitely have to go check her out! She's a woman after my own heart. I love how she dealt with the trash can issue. She's awesome! I had someone putting my trash can in the middle of my driveway when I didn't put it away right away. Really?? You're that concerned about my trash can? Someday I'd love to meet the Trash Can Policeman and thank him for cutting my work in half by taking the trash can half-way back to where it belongs!
Love the numbers and just everything! What awesome ideas!
Love the rain gutter book shelf in her little boys' room and the decorated trash can is awesome!!
Mine has stickers on it but that's just so the trash guys know it's recycling, not trash.
On my way to visit her blog!!
pink and green mama
The garbage can is over the top fabulous!
God's blessings,
Sarah :D
Whhaaaaat? Me??? Thanks lady :). I'm honored!
That trash can is fabulous, and I totally adore the Mason jar lights! Gotta try it!
I LOVE Beth! I follow her blog religiously. So happy to see her featured!
Yes, it's true, my sister is amazing!
The garbage can is perfect!! Too cute to steal!
oh my, thanks so much for featuring her!
it's so nice (and encouraging) to find people who cute-ify their city dwellings. Sometimes it's so easy to give up on making an apartment into a home and wait for the "someday" house. Thanks!!!
I love Beth! She is AMAZING! She is one of the first blogs I followed and I still check her blog daily! :)
I am so glad you featured her! : )
Thanks for sharing ~ I love the numbers chandelier. I need to check that out for sure!
I really enjoy all the new blogs you share with us.
I've always loved Beth - she's funny and kind! Thanks!
wow- LOVE that garbage can monogram- too cool!
Going to check out her blog right now!
I'm an avid follower of Beth's! She's got wonderful ideas!
Beth is wonderful, great choice to feature!!
oh how wonderful!! I'm going to visit now:-)
She is one of my favorites! Such great ideas!!!
love the garbage can idea! we had that problem awhile back, when some kids decided to push our neighborhood cans around with cars one night, and all the cans ended up all over the place!! so we all got together and used a can of spray paint to put our house numbers on all our cans too! :) wish mine was this pretty though!
Oh my goodness her house is amazing! It looks awesome and she has so many other cute ideas too!
Love the trash can story and I think the numbered stairs are awesome. That is the first time I have seen that done.
Love the story of the trash can! She is my kind of woman!!!! SMART!!!!!
Love the mason jars on the chandelier...
a decorated trash can I've never seen, but this one is adorable! I drag mine out to the street every week so why shouldn't I make it cute? :)
That is a great idea for the garbage can. And it is pretty...usually I just see ones that someone has spray painted the house address on it!
Great ideas! Thanks for passing them along..
Those are some gorgeous projects!! Who the heck steals a garbage can? What a weirdo!
Looks like a wonderful blog to spend a few hours browsing. Thanks for sharing.
I like the garbage can story. It's obvious that she is very creative and energetic. Her neighbors should tap into her creativity and make their place look good too!
that is a really cool trash can :)
another fabulous blog! thanks for sharing:)
Awwww - how sweet! I love Beth - and what a fabulous feature!! :)
I have left a comment on the fabulous blog of Stories of A 2 Z...what a creative gal, huh?
I love all of her ideas but my very favorite is the jar chandelier!! Awesome!
Hi, i love your site and all he creative people you find. i can't searched her blog for that jar chandelier tutorial and i can't find it. would you mind posting a link back to it?
wow, my grammar is fantastic. sorry my last comment was all jumbled. i was shrieking at my kids, and it distracted me.
Love the numbered stairs. I would totally do that with mine if they weren't carpeted. It would be super easy to do with vinyl. If anyone does them with Uppercase Living, please send me a photo so I can add it to my idea album to inspire my customers.
Oh I love the numbered stairs! No stairs where we live now though. I also love the trash can! It looks awesome and what a great idea.
Oh I love Beth! She just radiates warmth and friendship! Love talking to her on twitter! :)
@ Creative Kristi
OMG i am trying to catch up and i am in love with this girl's creative genius! brilliant!
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