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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get Your Craft On Tuesday!

Grab Our Button!
(copy/paste into your own
website or blog):

I KNOW you all work so hard all week to have something to post for today…….It’s all about Get Your Craft On…….humor me people……let me have my little fantasy.  :)

Hopefully my button link will work this time.


1. must be made by you, yourself and nobody else

2. Please link back to me


satakieli said...

This week, mine's an adventure with my nearly 3 year old, ending in some simple decorative painted rocks for one of my vases.

Thanks for hosting!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Thanks for hosting Kim! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Renée said...


Love your super soap dispenser! I have the perfect place for one. Thanks for hosting each week!

Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

Tuesday is all about Get Your Craft On! Thanks for hosting!

Tara @ Tara Being Tara said...

I know you're joking but before I even read what you wrote I was bummed I don't have anything to share today!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for hosting, kim! Getting my craft on with two project links...the bib & burp is from last month but I don't think I found you in time to link it up. As for your last post, I heart Decor Chick, too! Especially her book project. Thanks for sharing.

Happy Tuesday,

CyndeJo said...

Thanks for hosting :)
As always there are so many fun things to find!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting each week!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I have missed you and your link up this summer Kim!

I linked a couple of new banners, but I have some fun things in the works in the near future, yay! *hint, hint* We've moved and my new neighbors might hate me when I paint our Adirondack chairs bright purple and green, tee hee ;) You know I love my color!

Jamie :)

SarahMarie said...

I found this blog on accident. It must have been fate, because my post today was about jewelry I had made! :)

the cape on the corner said...

thanks for hosting, hope you're having a great day!

Amy Walker said...

Hi! I'd love to participate with a tutorial of an aplix to snap conversion I did on a diaper. Since the diaper wasn't made by me I didn't know if it was ok. Here's the link so you can see if it's alright for me to link up here! :)

Anonymous said...

I posted my link! But wanted to stop by and say that I hope you are having a great Tuesday!

Unknown said...

Thank for hosting this link up! It's a lot of fun! Hope you're having a great week!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for hosting. It looks like there's a lot of creativity out there this week! Gotta go check it out!

Anonymous said...

That soap dispenser is great!! I have one that I made from a wine bottle and syrup spout but the spout always gets clogged- I think this would work much better!!

thanks for letting me join the party!

bee blessed

Unknown said...

Thanks for another party! You are my favorite one to link to and come to ideas for. Such an amazing cluster of ideas. If only there was more time in the day........ :)

ellie g said...

Okay, a confession....
I finally joined this century and started reading my favorite blogs in Google Reader instead of going to them individually. I COULD NOT figure out why yours never came up. I just realized I never followed you! Whah???? Duh! Problem solved.

I'm so happy to have you back!

Thanks for hosting this AWESOME party each week!

JaneT said...

I just posted a little pink "kitchen" I made for my great granddaughter. She is only 16 months old by loves it. The oven even has a rack in it. The drawer pulls out for her pots and pans.