These girls are busy busy busy. The 3 of them, Missy, Alison and Shelley are striving to become better mothers, wives and women! They collaborate together in bringing you their blog full of everything creative and domestic. It’s very easy to navigate with pull down menus for all kinds of treasures to keep you entertained and inspired.
Alison, the bossy one……..I bet she’s just bold at times and people mistake that as bossy….not that I know anything about that. Just sayin…….
Anywhoo…..Alison contacted me a bit ago about wanting to know how to get featured on this blog. Well after she threw me a few compliments calling me “one of the Oprah’s of blogging”… was pretty much a done deal………even if her blog was on raising pigs…….I was going to find something creative about it to feature. LOL………..lucky me and lucky you, her (their) blog is wonderful.
Pretty sure this below was on my Get Your Craft On. You guys have been rockin’ it! I can barely get through them all. Love it. They have a full tutorial on all these projects. Before you start to think these girls are all fluff……..oh no……they can work a power tool. They really really like working with 2x4s. Lots of tutorials……you can do it, you really can. This below would make a fabulous Valentines gift your your husband, or grandparents. And guess what? They have a TUTORIAL!!!
While we’ve got the power tools out, we may as well figure out what else we can mess around with…….right? It’s always a good gift when you add photos and names of the kids. The bow helps too. Another great gift for Grandparents.
Love how they took these $1 frames and made this cute framed art piece. If it looks complicated, no worries………they have A tutorial!
Back to Valentines ideas…….Don’t these Oreos look great? I love it when you can take a good thing and make it better.
I was thinking of all you east coast people being slammed by all that cold weather while I was walking the dog in our unusual 55 degree sunny day……Very unusual to not have buckets of rain this time of year for us NW peeps. But here’s a cool craft to keep you and the kids busy. I love the way it looks. Love it! An Ice Wreath. This one below they made for the reindeer….those are carrot slices. Isn’t that beautiful? I could look at that photo all day.
Another great tutorial. Looks doable and no power tools.
These have nothing to do with Valentines Day, but I just love the photo. Can you just feel the softness of these burp cloths?
Do be a dear and head over to let them know they’ve been featured! Surprise them. Enjoy!
WOW. If only I had a ounce of their creativity...
Thanks for the intro, looks like another fabulous blog!
God's blessings,
Sarah :D
Omigosh! I woke up this morning to the best surprise to see that we are featured at Today Creative Blog today! Whoo hoo! {Go Alison!} --Kim, Thank you so much for tooting our horn! ;) Sometimes its fun to have someone else do it for ya! ;) -Shelley (One of the HowDoesShe gals)
That ice wreath is so pretty! I'm so making one of these - only, with cranberries instead, to go with my red front door - the birds would love it : ) thanx!
Very creative stuff! Loved the post. Thanks for sharing!
I just love their blog too. It has been a favorite of mine :)
More beautiful picks! I'm off to check them out! :)
HUGE fan of the How Does She gals! Love their classy blog design, too!!
You've brought us another great craft blog - how fun! I'll hop over and start to follow.
Wahoo!!! I woke up to 'comment love' this morning {{and about 20 from Shelley,the other HowDoesShe gal}}.
Thanks for the wonderful surprise this morning! Thanks Kim!!!
I had just been to her grogeous Blog today, so I am here just to say that I agree!! :)
Many thanks for reminding me of her blog; thankfully, I follow you and now must follow her.
Love these projects!! Thanks for introducing me!
Love it! And I already love them!
i love this site...thanks for showcasing it.
Wow! Some great ideas! I'm going over to check it all out now. Thanks for the find!
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