(copy/paste into your own
website or blog):
If you’re a scrapbooker, you’re going to love this. If you’re NOT a scrapbooker, you’re going to love this. If you WANT to be a scrapbooker, you’re going to love this!
Kristin from Log Your Memory has come up with the perfect solution for organizing your thoughts…….whether or not you actually do a real layout or not.
You get ALL of this!
But what is it? You know, they say it much better than me. All I know is I wish I would have had this when my son was born.
Here’s what they say about their product.
Our central product is our annual “Memory Logbook” … a datebook/planner consisting of daily and monthly calendar pages, weekly challenge prompts, examples of “real life” layouts, a variety of questionnaires, and lots of room to jot down memories or sketch ideas, all designed to help busy scrapbookers focus on the everyday memories, experiences & pieces of life they most want recorded for future generations, but may not have time to immediately scrapbook. With this information conveniently documented all in one place, it is easily accessible when there IS time to scrap … a wonderful tool to help “jog” the memory and get the creative juices flowing.
Leave me a comment. Tell me something funny. I’ll choose a winner Sunday 5pm pacific time. Check back here for the winning name. I am not contacting winners any longer.
Edited to add: These are all downloadable.
Will this memory book work even if I can't remember what happened a week ago? :)
Just found your site & became an instant fan! Excited & can not get off of here! :) Thanks!
That looks like fun :) ok...something funny my two year old insists that there is a dino that is goiing to still his cerreal..so he wakes me up at 6am every morning for a week..."Mom the dino is comeing..and he scared me out of my mollies"...lol have a great day!
This book is something that all scrapbookers need. Great giveaway.
Wish I could show you a video that would make you laugh. It was of my 5 yr. old granddaughter who was deathly afraid of holding an aligator at a aligator park but finally became comfortable enough to allow the man to let her hold him (the gators mouth was taped shut). Well she got so comfy that she got this smile on her face and tipped him almost upside down and the man immediately took him away from her. I have this on video and it makes me smile when ever I watch it.
OK, I love this giveaway. I need a place to put my thoughts as I forget the good things that happen to me all too often and focus on the bad.
Cheryl Sims
We're on day 7 of being stuck in our house/neighborhood...having Target withdrawal. What a great idea - I need this to get my scrapbooking mojo back.
I'd love to win this - it would be funny for me to have all this stuff in one place - think of all that space in my brain that I could open up.
Oh I would be happy to win this! I have to be the most unorganized person on the planet!
oh, this would be so great for my Girl Scout troop scrapbook! I never have time to make notes DURING the activity and for sure not time to scrap each event as it happens. Plus I could collect quotes, etc from the other parents.
LOVE it!!!
I love it! Trust me, I need all the help I can get.
I used to be a scrapbooker before I had anything to scrapbook about. The minute I had kids, out the window it went. They get into everything anyway, so why bother?
This book just might help me get back on the bandwagon. Or not.
I love it too and nobody needs help more than me..i lose my mobile more than 10 times a day. and one day i went to bed and had left the door ajar all night because i had forgot to lock it now i have to check the locks 3/4 times every night just for peace of mind..thanks for the chance anyways..
Pick me! Pick Me! I have been drooling over this notebook for the past month! I am an avid scrapbooker (hybrid and digital), and would love to have this!
Alright, now for something funny...
At one point during a game, the coach said to one of his young players, "Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is?"
The little boy nodded in the affirmative.
"Do you understand that what matters is whether we win together as a team?"
The little boy nodded yes.
"So," the coach continued, "when a strike is called, or you're out at first, you don't argue or curse or attack the umpire. Do you understand all that?"
Again the little boy nodded.
"Good," said the coach. "Now go over there and explain that to your mother."
I thought it was cute! LOL
Thanks for the chance to win!
This is such a cool idea! Ok, here's my super cheesy joke for you, but it cracks me up every time (b/c my husband doesn't think it's funny at all).
What did the brown chicken say to the brown cow?
This is OH so me! I'm a lister, scrapbooker, home frugal junk wanna be decorator. My teen daughter and HER friends say I bake it or make it, so I can photograph it and blog it. LOL
This is a great thing!
This is what my DH said to me the other night.
"I knew I married Mrs Right I just didn't know her first name was Always."
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting co...
That is such a neat idea!
I guess you would have to see it but the funniest thins I can think of is my 1.5 year old daughter is learning to dance and she has the wiggliest butt around!
I've got to share how ridiculously crazy my little 19 mth old son is. So far this week, he's been stuck in my daughter's bedrails, stuck in her baby high chair, picked up and squashed a bee with his bare hands, fallen down the stairs because "he do" it on his own...if I can find time when I'm not chasing him, I'd love to win this! If not to document all the place he gets "guck"...thanks Kim!
gosh- do i ever need this! my life is a mess haha!
something funny----
my friend threw up the "peace sign" with her fingers at her 3 year old, and in return, mom got the same 2 fingers and the daughter said "twos" ha. cute.
Aaaahhh to be organized ;) A dream of mine, tee hee...
Jamie :)
I need this! I used to scrapbook, even used to sell Creative Memories... since I had my daughter 2 1/2 years ago, I have been terrible and barely have her book started!!!
I am an AVID scrapbooker, and my brain is like swiss cheese so I totally need this prize. Heck, I've already forgotten the name of your blog since I scrolled down here. :)
There's too much snot in my head to think of anything funny, I've been sick for 2 weeks! Argh! Winning this would make me feel better though!
As a mom to 4 (3 under the age of 5), I can use any help I can get being organized! I love this idea, ingenious!
this has been on my list....what a great tool..
These are perfect for those moments when you need to scribble down what was said at the time and when you finally get to scrap the photo or event you have little notes to remind you what happened! LOVE THIS!!!
Hmmmmm, something funny.....how about the fact that my 19 month old son calls elmo "goo goo"??? Or is that funny just to me???
i have had my eye on these for a while...would love to have them! Funny? We just had a little baby boy and my 5 year old suggested the name "Master Yoda"...I guess this would be funnier if we had actually chosen than name!
This is an awesome giveaway! I follow your blog but have never entered one of your contests until now. Ok something funny - whenever my toddler 'toots' she tells me her tummy burped! Silly girl!
I would love the status update book. I just love these books. Please pick me!!!
With three boys and a busy life, I sure could use a book like this!
My boys crack me up every day. How to choose...
I will have to go with the most recent. My youngest was having a Spanish Day at preschool. All the kids were learning their name in spanish, but my boy flatly refused. After the teacher made several attempts to convince him, he finally threw up his hands, look narrowly at her, and said, "My family just can't handle spanish!"
something funny? hmmm...one of my favorite "funny statements" said by my son:
"Mommy? Do we lie down in the flowerbeds?" and "Hmmm. Mommy, I think that bird looks hungry for an egg."
My kiddos keep me laughing, for sure!
I SOOOOOO love these books. I just found them online last night, what a cooincidence.
I read something funny on facebook last night that made me smile:
"This morning I looked into my box of cheerios and found a bunch of donut seeds."
I definately would love this book....It is sooooo needed. Not only am I a scrapbooker, but I am a mom, and that alone leads to constant brain farts! Half of the time I couldn't tell you what I made for dinner last night, let alone what project I saw that I would love to complete!
Thanks so much for the chance!!!
Wonderful giveaway! :)
So, where does the general keep his armies?
In his sleevies!
Yes I enjoy the humor of a 5 year old =P
if i'd had something like this when my big kids were little, not only would i have scrapbooked more, but i wouldn't have dropped them off at school on an inservice day (no school). how embarassing!
That is exactly what my mixed-up brain needs, I'm always on the lookout for a great organizer/list keeper!
This is a great giveaway! I would love to own something like this. It would definitely help me out with my scrapbooking.
Today duriung homeschooling my daughter asked for a cuddle break! You would think she was asking becasue it is so cold here but I think it was mostly to get out of work!
Oh, this would be a great help since it seems to take longer and longer to recall the things I'm trying to remember. Then of course they come to me when I'm doing something entirely different--and distract me from that. Maybe that's why I have so many unfinished projects. :)
What I would have given for this many years ago.. life was good to me and I would have liked to re-read all the times with my kids and family... but I'm still doing good things and could use it now!
I have nothing funny really to say, BUT! My baby will be one a month from today and I would LOVE to be able to remember that. :P
WOW! Would I LOVE to win this!? Yep...the answer is yes! :) Funny/Cute: My son who is 6 and in kindergarten..."Mom, I need to tell you something! and you can not tell anyone!" ME: "Okay. Spill it!" MY SON: "Mom, me and Lilly are in loooveee!" ME: "oh...well, does Lilly know this?" MY SON: "Well, of course she does mom, she digs me too!" ;)
Something funny? How about: I just got back from Value Village thinking it would be great to find some fun clothes to rework...only I took 5 children with me~ each with $2 burnin' a whole in their pocket. The funny part is I ACTUALLY imagined I'd be able to shop for ME! HA!
cant remember what the prize is.... but I'm sure I could use it.
Maybe if I get up and go into the kitchen I'll remember why I'm here.
This is an awesome giveaway! What an important memory tool.
This is an awesome giveaway! What an important memory tool.
This book was made for me! I love it! Something funny...? Well I used to consider myself a cute girl. Then I cut bangs, and now my celebrity look alike is Garth from Wayne's World. I kid you not. But I guess it's funnier if you know me...
My husband woke up the other morning and told me that there was either an earthquake last night or he was dreaming. I thought he was crazy and told him that he must have been dreaming. Come to find out...there WAS an earthquake in Illinois about 50 miles from us! I guess I was wrong!
After 3 kids I can barely remember what I ate this morning. That would be a great tool to have!
Wonderful giveaway. Something I think is funny is that my dear sweet hubby let each of our children have a friend spend the night last night. Last night I worked until 9:30p.m. then today I had a class at 8:30a.m. and then I had to go back to work. So he got to handle all 6 kids by himself. LOL
This is a great giveaway. I am due to have our first baby in May and I think this would be PERFECT to keep up with our ever-changing baby. My goal is to scrapbook her antics, but I know that may be wishful thinking while she is itsy bitsy! What a great product to capture those memories!
Great blog!
Betsy McDaniel
My teen daughters were talking about how much they loved Johnny Depp--I told them sorry he's mine I've loved him since 21 jump street---and their response was Oh when you were our age did you think he was cute? ---Yes and I still do!!
What a great idea for a book....
With a mommy brain like mine that would come in handy.
Something funny: I still buy scrapbook stuff even though I have not scrapped in many, many months. Maybe this would help me get back into the swing of things.
Love it! :)
Would love for you to stop by my blog. I'm hosting CREATIVITY WEEK February 22 - 26. Lots of crafty ladies sharing fun tuts and some great giveaways!
seven thirty three - - - a creative blog
Having a great week - Saints won the Super Bowl, it snowed in Louisiana, my pizza was ready when I went to pick it up, and now a Fab Friday Giveaway!
I love this. I'm so unorganized right now. I can't even remember where I put all my ideas. They are stuck everywhere!!! Would love to have this.
****This is a great giveaway!! Would like to put my thoughts in one place. So I wont be asking myself "Now what was that great idea I had?". I hate when I do that. :)...okay now something funny...
****The nurse asked the Doctor "Can't we keep anything alive around here?" Meanwhile, the patients are in the other room over hearing this comment. But what the patients didn't know is that the nurse was talking about the "plants". LOL :) :)******** HA HA HA :)
something funny, something funny...hmmm. I do have a random thought though... you know going to Ikea is a lot like doing tequila shots..when someone suggests it, it seems like a fantastic idea-big fun and all-but in the morning you wake up nauseous in the middle of a pile of table legs, with no idea how you got there, and swearing to never do it again.
pick me:)
Maybe if I win this giveaway, I can use the products to find my way home after I've wandered away in a stupor...dazed and confused after dealing with my third graders all day. : ) Give a teacher a break - pick me!
Oooohh pick me . . . pick me! I cannot for the life of me remember anything after giving birth 10 weeks ago. My hubby asked me the other morning what time it was and I lifted up my arm and checked my hand for the time. I am losing it over here. Would love to win!
I was cracking up reading all the comments. It is refreshing to hear ladies talking about being unorganized, in a world full of Marthas :) that usually make you feel inadequate. The truth of the matter is, I wonder if I would even remember to use it...Regardless...it's lovely!! Hugs, Ingrid
ok so this is totally up my alley I could so use this after having my son not to mention I go through planners like laundry detergant I have to buy a new one if I have to scratch something out ( I was gonna say toilet paper but thought that would be too personal-is that funny enough lol)not to mention it it looks so fun!
love love love this! such a great idea!
That's really a fantastic little piece of bliss there. I don't even know if I remember HOW to remember. So sad.... I've got so much LIFE I need to get in order from the past to the present to the future! We have HUGE happenings in our life this year including a move out of the South to the Midwest.... I can't even think of something funny right now, that's how brainfried I am. I guess it would have to be yesterday... my husband comes home early from work, I'm cleaning my craft room, I turn around & see him coming at me & SCREAM AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS. He turns around, doesn't say a word, walks back out to his truck, gets in (I've followed him while he was walking quietly to the front door & am now watching from the window) & he opens his truck door, comes to the front door, knocks very loudly & when I open it he says "HEY HONEY I'M HOMMMMMMMME!".... that's just a little slice of our life (I live with a funny funny dude). Anywho. Great giveaway. I'm getting ready to do my first soon! I feel kind of silly though b/c I only have like 13 followers & part of me feels like "what's the point", but the point is I WANNA!!! ;)
These are a wonderful gift...everyone has a little moment each day that is worth recording as a memory for later... I have three children and one grandson and the "moments" are fading as I grow older... my son's wit and quick come backs, the way my middle daughter at a very young age learned about Pilgrims and then saw Amish people in a local store and screamed... look, mom the Pilgrims... or when teaching my youngest daughter her locations and asking her what country she lives in she replied..."my Country tis of Thee"... may not be funny to some or even worth a smile; but, they are my moments...
this is awesome. But i"m having trouble thinking of anything as funny as the article in the new Esquire where the guy reports on doing without underwear for a month. Shudder!
Being a homeschooling mom who works and goes to school full-time, I need all the help that I can get! :)
this looks great, and I need all the help these days to remember things!
Kim, I have no doubt I should be using it every day. But I think I should get one for hubby and place in it a list of all those "important" dates he really "needs" to remember. Thanks for the great idea.
I would love something like this! Sounds unique and perfect for a busy mom!
This is a great idea. Spending a romantic Valentine's Day with my 2 boys/husband at their first "Monster Jam" (big trucks) woohoo!
I'm always saying I should write down all my kids' funny sayings and then I don't... This would be ideal!
Love it! And it looks purse size! SO I can remember to write down things that my crazy daughter says..like the other day when she informed me and her father that goat started with the letter "m". We told her it didn't, and in the sassiest voice ever she replied, "oh yes it does...Mountain Goat!"...she is 4...:)
my daughter came in wearing my pink and yellow polka-dot bra, stuffed with daddy's socks. she looked down at the bra and said, "want more, mom." She's only 2.
Here's something funny: How in the heck do we in California have enough money to completely redo a rest stop, yet not have enough money for our schools??
Love the book!!
Luv it! What a wonderful tool to have in my stash.
What a cool giveaway. My daughter & son say the most funny things and when I go to share them with my husband I always forget. This would be PERFECT!
This would have been wonderful when my kids were toddlers. I remember my son's first winter, he frantically called for me and I went running to where he was standing infront of the glass door. "Mama! Mama! Look.......potcorn (aka popcorn)......it was snowing at the time. I will never forget it!!!!
wow!! this sounds awesome.
Ok, here is something funny about ME. I do not eat blue food. I do not eat blue food because there are no naturally blue foods. And, don't say blueberries because they are purple!
JUst found you from Trendy Tree House....I totally NEED that book.
I am a list person and I seriously want it. Gotta have it.
Funny: A man and a friend are playing golf one day at their local golf course. One of the guys is about to chip onto the green when he sees a long funeral procession on the road next to the course. He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer. His friend says: “Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen. You truly are a kind man.” The man then replies: “Yeah, well we were married 35 years.”
I love this memory book!
What a great giveaway! Thanks TCB!!
I am telling you something funny. How did the pig get to the hospital?
wait for it....
He took the Hambulance!
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