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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ask me anything….

That’s what you do when you don’t have time for a worthy post.

Keep it clean people. 

What if no one wants to ask me anything?  What if no one wants to know anything about me?  What if I don’t get picked to play dodge ball?  That will actually be OK. 


Got the idea from Tara Frey…….but I have a feeling she looks a bit more interesting than me.  :)


Janet Metzger, Artist said...

I would like to know what you look for in a blog post. Who do you like to follow (general terms), what makes for an interesting post? Do you like bloggers to get really personal or do you have a dislike for TMI. How's that for starters ;-) I am rather new to blogging and I really would like to hear your answers.
your friend,

Anonymous said...

I like Janet's post :)

But I was wondering, how are you finding new fun crafty blogs? Sometimes I just google "blogspot ____" and fill in the blank with something like "curtain tutorial" or "DIY". But what do you do?

The Runyans said...

oh. . .your answers and questions are going to be fun to read!

jlk said...

If you had two hours today to do whatever craft you wanted, what would you do?

Anonymous said...

If you could only choose 3 colors with which to decorate your home with for the REST of your life.... what would they be?

Laura said...

I agree with Janet, what makes a good blog post? Also, who is your favorite author. I am always looking for good reads.

At first I thought you said that you got this idea from Tina Fey... I thought was, that's exciting! I'm sure Tara is wonderful as well :)

Queen Bee said...

If you could give a new blogger one tip what would it be?

Queen Bee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Cairns Family said...

How much time do you spend on your own blog and how much time do you spend looking at other blogs? I love finding new ideas and keeping up with friends through blogs but mine is very neglected!

Kristen, pajama mama said...

nothing comes to mind right now, because you are so open already-in a good way! but i will be looking forward to your answers!
have a great weekend,

Lindsey said...

I'm curious how you keep your projects organized. I have so many bouncing around in my head all the time and then I'll forget about them and can't find them again when I have time. I just wondered if you had a solution.

Love your blog by the way! Just found it a couple of weeks ago and can't get enough!

Bunny Wilson said...

Do you have a favorite site for video tutorials? They're my favorite way to learn new techniques.

Anonymous said...

When you started 'TCB,' did you anticipate it to get so popular? Your Tuesday link up is sooo fun and inspiring (just like you ;).

Jamie :)

Anonymous said...

When you started 'TCB,' did you anticipate it to get so popular? Your Tuesday link up is sooo fun and inspiring (just like you ;).

Jamie :)

Anonymous said...

Well, you might be surprised with so many questions. As a newish blogger, with a lack of confidence, I would like to know what you think makes a great blog great. What makes it stand out? What make YOU want to read, want to follow? What are your blogging pet-peeves? ~Kelly

unDeniably Domestic

Marianne said...

Do you actually follow all the blogs that you have featured? Has this blogging thing made you try new (creative) things? How did you get them to give you a cricut? (just kidding, well I would like to know, but seriously just kidding)

Abby said...

I recently started a crafting/cooking blog of my own, but I'm stumped about the layout. How do you add different pages to your blog? I'd like to keep the cooking seperate from the crafting, but all my posts keep ending up on the same page...? Love your blog by the way. I check it daily!

Tami said...

What is it that makes someone standout enough, that you feature them on your blog?

Sarah said...

It's my dream to be featured here one day. Maybe when my blog is all grown up... right now it's still just a baby. ;>Your blog is one of the first blogs I ever followed, it was love at first site! So I'm excited to hear how you find your new blogs to feature. Do you have blogs that you "watch" for awhile before featuring them? I feel so nosy. Thanks for keeping us entertained and inspired!
God's blessings,
Sarah :D

The Hillan Family said...

I really love your blog. I can't get enough! I have a story that is fun and inspiring. You might want to take a look. It's the most amazing library- if I do say so myself:).

Anonymous said...


Want to stop by ddna and spread the word about our first ever blog, Flea Market Round-up?

jan ~ tomatobaby said...

Hey Kim ... I think you have created your blog topics for the next few weeks based on the questions you're getting!

Some of my questions have already been asked, but also want to know about hosting a give-a-way. Any tips?

Also, can I help promote the "Bloggy Boot Camp" with the cute button you have located above your "subscribe?" I haven't found one yet if its out there.

Keep doing what you do best! ~j.

paige said...

Why did you start blogging? What motivates you to keep it up? Oh and thanks for featuring WWC:) Have a great night~Paige

paige said...

Oh one more thing.... I didn't forget you...Sending a charm bracelet on Monday:)

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

ooo pick me pick me i have a you think it is better to have a regular schedule for posting or is it better to only post when you have something you really want to share?

Vanessa Washburn said...

which are your 3 favorite blogs that you follow?

What are you 3 favorite posts you've written?