Love this apple..........but why is it upside down?Bee's.........gotta have em. There are some Bee glasses I want from Pier One, and then there's the bee pillow from Ballard. Waiting for the sale.........but I bet I could copy this image onto an iron on, iron it onto a creamy fabric......have a pillow made, because we all know I don't sew. And I'd have my own bee pillow..............yea.......I'll get right on that.
Every cottagy house needs a blackbird.
More birdie stuff..........you do know this is all free right?
Think how cute this would be as a wrapping paper or a journal cover............GASP!
Oh.............eggs...............wouldn't this be a wonderful framed piece?
I couldn't leave you without a botanical.............Chinese Poppy, I believe. Stunning.
This looks like an image of old wallpaper. Beautiful. This printed and framed with a simple monogram, or use as digi scrapbook paper.
This was the kind of inspiration I needed. A walk back in time. This site is full of beautiful images. Enjoy
Don't trip over yourself getting to this site.
Thank you for all your puppy ideas! The trick will be manipulating my son into whatever name we want............I am not above in telling him she was already named by the breeder (debi).......Why not make him believe she's already named..............Oh I'm so horrible. I think I'm brilliant! :)
I love her sight..she is so gracious with her clipart...it is so pretty!
-sandy toe
Oh, lovely!! Thanks so much for the heads up!! I'll go check it out!
We have two dogs named by the breeder and we kept the names, but they were a little older when we got them. So, they knew their names already! I love puppy photos and I can't wait to see yours!
Thanks...Will check it out!
I'm so glad you joined twitter. I just 'followed' you ha ha. Careful, it's extremely addictive.
I adore vintage. What beautiful things.
Thanks for the great site! I love free downloads and can't wait to check it out. I just followed you on Twitter too! Get ready to be addicted:-)
I hate moths---but those are pretty :)
Wow! Love these...especially the eggs and the poppy! Off to explore...and download! :)
Oooh, love this stuff. Thanks!
I love those birds!
I love it! I am going to check this out right now! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Aaahhhh!!! Thank you for the mention!! I can't believe one of my blogs was on here!! Thank you! Thank you!
Abigail Mooney
(AKA - Abbie of The Vintage Moth)
How fun, can't wait to check it out. Too funny about your son and the puppy name... sometimes we just have trick them!
Love everything! Abbie, I wish these were in a format for my embroidery machine,,,,sigh,,,,
Great Find! Now I have another daily read...
very fun.
Love it! Great find :)
Thanks so much. Yes i have vintage moth too and love your informative blog
I shall add to follow if there is a button
Hugs June
I don't know if you take recomendations... but please check out Sharon B's blog entitled Pin Tangle. She is an avid Crazy Quilter and would be a wonderful featured crafter on your blog! She is the 'queen' of crazy quilters and has started an embroidery group too
Take a look at her button box quilt here. Each image can be enlarged.
Glad to see that you posted Abbie's blog. She is so generous with her lovely images. I visit her all the time!
Thank you for these wonderful images...love the bees!!!
Wow - great to know about the free clip art. That is hard to find. Great post over on Tip Junkie too. Thanks for the organizing tips - I need them...bad!
This is a great find! If you're wanting more free vintage goodness in the form of templates, you have to visit this blog of my good friend! Check out heirloompaperie.blogspot.com- her stuff really seems to match your aesthetic.
Hi I found your blog through the vintage moth. I love your blog! I was wondering if you could tell me which of the blogs on here have free blog backgrounds! Im always looking for some cute makeovers for my blog! Thanks!
I love the eggs! Don't know why, but I do!! Looking forward to looking over your site more!
Jen from
Creative and Curious Kids!!
Great link! Thank you!!
what a great blog!!! I am so thrilled I popped by....
Hello there, Yes, Abbie's home is so wonderful and cheerful..the kitchen is "to die for" even if you don't cook. :0)
I really enjoy her image blog..she has such a wonderful collection. And I'm a Button Floozie too and of course, you know she's the founder and host of it... Abbie is such a creative being.
I've only recently begun A Vintage Collection blog where I am archiving my extensive collection of sewing and embroidery related stuff and more. Please drop by for a visit when you have a free moment. My collection is free to use also. :0)
Have a grand week,
Queen of Dreamsz
These would be so cool printed on canvas or fabric, or some textured Bazzill in a cramy off-white or light light beige or pale pink color. Good find.
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