The NW must be the laughing stock of all you other snowy places. If it snows the tiniest skiff......they cancel school.........for days! We have only had school one day this week and the threat of snow FINALLY came. We have 3 inches..........Call the National
With that said, I stopped by Michael's on my way home this morning............yes, I ventured out into the danger zone.........I'm a bit cocky with my driving skills being that I grew up in Central Oregon where it actually does snow..........more than 3 inches............Anyway.......I stopped by Michael's and was the only person in the store. I grabbed a bunch of crafty supplies for me and Lu........he's been into making puppets lately and my scrap paper isn't doing so well for this project. It's all about keeping him busy..........when he's not trying to sled on 3 inches of snow.......scoot is more like it.
The Hybrid Kid is a fairly new blog, but I love some of the quick crafty ornaments shes got
goin on. Perfect for this stormy day...........with 3 inches of snow.
So if you have kids who are jacked up on candy canes, Christmas cookies and hot chocolate........and you need for them to settle down........maybe a craft or two?
This is something I can see my guy doing. She has a tutorial on it...............say it with me........WE LOVE A TUTORIAL!

And why not a candy cane ornament? I don't have these beads, but I have something else that may work..........this should take up at least 10 min before they bounce around asking for more food.
And why not a good ole paper bag book?! This is great for a little one learning their colors..........but if you have rambunctious 9 year olds........they can make it an exploration journal, or a monster sketch book............Maybe they could actually use their imagination? Interesting.
More for the little ones who are learning their numbers. It's a download........a digi download.
More downloads. I think this one is $1..........a buck! She has a few really should go see if it's anything you might need. These would make great gift tags.
I hope you are all enjoying the Christmas season so far. If you have snow..........enjoy.
Thanks again for Kiki & Lele for donating one of their necklaces and hair bows for the giveaway. Jennifer P won................And Angela from Cottage Magpie won the gift cert! I know...........they are both past features! I love their blogs and I loved their traditions they posted at

Great share! Thanks for letting us know about this one.
Anita, the Knitting Junkie!
ha you can't get the national guard right now because they are over seas in afghanistan or iraq (my husband included) but he should be coming home soon so he'll come and help "broom" off the snow that's causing all the hoopla! ;)
Oh my ... 3 inches. We have gotten 27 inches since Wed morning at 5 am. It has not stopped snowing even for a minute for 32 hours.....
Another great site!
Those ornaments are great! Thanks
oh I just found this blog and I feel like I found an old friend! Can't wait to be back and see what you post and the blogs you find!... thank you!
I think you need to change "the NW" to "the NW west of the Cascades." ;) I'm pretty sure Jenny (above in the comments) lives on the east side of the state with me... it's unbelievable over here! And people here tend to be the opposite, venturing out when they should certainly be staying home!
I love the ideas for settling down my kiddos. Someone gave them candy canes right after breakfast...
I find it so funny now that I live in WA but moved here from Chicago. It always shocks me when school gets canceled for the tiniest bit of snow!
I love that I can always find new craft bloggers here. Thanks!
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