You guys should always be happy when I get too busy to means I feel guilty, so I do a giveaway!
Jamie with
jk vinyl has a wonderful site full of ideas to use with all those fancy vinyl decals. I was going to feature her anyway, she was in my FFF file, then she offered to do a giveaway too. She is so generous to offer a
$50.............yes, I said $50 gift certificate to her Etsy store. Well you certainly don't need to twist my arm to help bring some creativity and beauty into the homes of my readers. This is exciting. There are so many options.
If you're like me, you dream of having obsessively organized cabinets......I just can't seem to make it all happen at once. I clean one and another one get demolished. This below is a girls dream come true. If I had a pantry like this, I would never close the door. I would accidentally leave it open for all my guest to see...can you imagine the envy? Not that I want my neighbors to be envious of me, but maybe then they'll think I have it somewhat together.

How about your storage area? I do have to admit, I am somewhat organized with that. I have the Orange and Black totes for Halloween, Dark Green for Thanksgiving, Red and Green for Christmas.........impressed? At least these below would look better sitting out waiting to be put away........I seem to always have a tote or two that lingers too long in the living space.

Perfect for a playroom, or scraproom.........or a school classroom...........
We're all looking for that perfect teacher gift. Wouldn't this be perfect? Yes, perfect.
Now for my favorites! Monograms and fake topiaries. CA-UTE! I would have never thought to put a wall decal above my cupboards. This turned out darling.
LOVE this! The cute scalloped edges, the monogram.........I can't think of a better way to add original style to your home.........what about above your bed? Yep, love it.
More styles.
I love wall decals, It was meant to be that Jamie would come into my life........I had just recently ordered a couple of smaller accents from my friend Torreh. You can see them on my personal well as my newly painted cabinet. She has fun stuff too.
If you'd like to enter the giveaway...........and who wouldn't?..............just leave me a comment telling me the outside temp at your house. It's going to be 105 here today! In Washington/Oregon!!!......see it doesn't always rain here. Deadline is Tuesday, Aug 19th, 5pm pacific niece Alexa's birthday
1 – 200 of 322 Newer› Newest»Loooovvve her stuff! Great ideas! It is 90 degrees here in sunny Florida. It feels like 105 with the humidity!!
Because of some much needed rain, we are only at 82 degrees! I can't believe it is August in Oklahoma, and we are only in the 80's! Makes me want to break out the sweaters.
How cute is that topiary decal?! How fun! It is about 80 degrees here in Indiana today...lovely weather!
It's 80 degrees in DC (very unusual). It's supposed to be hot & sticky & muggy. We're loving it.
Very Creative!! Here in Gilber, Arizona it's a stink'n HOT 108 degrees..I think I'll stay inside all day today..!
It is suppost to be a cool 83 today (a good 10+ degrees below normal), it feels glorious here in the SLC area!!
Cute stuff! Its 89 here, which feels amazing compared to the past few months!
It's only 73 here. I'm jealous of everyone else
Wow, I am in UT, and it is only 75! I think I am in heaven compared to everyone else who has posted. I love the decals. One day I will get some put up in my house... one day.
81 degrees, and of course work (school) starts Monday so it will be in the upper 80 -90's all week....
Love Love the vinyl ideas, thanks for the chance!
It's 91 right now but it's supposed to get up to 99.
And I'm here in Eastern Oregon it's going to be HOT this weekend 101 and up.
I think it's going to be in the upper 90's. blah. I hope I win! I hope I win! I hope I win!!:)
How cutre are THOSE!?!?! WHo wouldn't wanna win that!?!
Southern Louisiana is 74 degrees and 87% humidity! Rainy, Rainy, Rainy...
Cute stuff! Its 89 here in Tuscaloosa, which feels amazing compared to the past few months!
Love these trick stickers. I have two and people think I painted them! Ha! The temp here in Houston, well a HUMID 101! And fall is only 3 months away here!
Love them! Currently it's 91 in McMinnville OR.
I have to say I am inl ove with your more searching and spending precious hours for crafty do it for me! THANK YOU! The temp here is 30 but thats in celsius cuz am 20 minutes north of the USA/Canada border here in Manitoba.
Oh, she has the CUTEST stuff! When I finish my kitchen remodel, I'm going to get some wall art from her!
88 degrees in Beautiful Boise!
love, no L.O.V.E. her stuff!
It's partly sunny and a nice humid 74 here in Cleveland, OHIO.
What a fab giveaway! It's 84 right now outside of Seattle. As you know, people here don't have a/c. Craziness.
The high for mesa, az is 99 degrees. It's a nice change to the HOT weather we have.
It is a lovely 86 here in northern Georgia. By the way I love your blog.
Yep-100 here too as I am in the same area as you are. LOVE the decals!
Today it's a beautiful 75 degrees. Just gorgeous. But we earned it- it's been so humid the last few weeks!
What cute decals! It's a very HOT 102 and climbing here in Arizona. I love your blog too!!
Love the decals! Adore this blog! It's 90 degress here in south Georgia. And humid as all get out!
It's 80 (feels 84) here (Nebraska). Very unusual summer for us, but I love it! I have been wanting to order something from jk for a while. I love all things organizing and labeling. Thanks for the giveaway!!
90 Charlotte nC
Currently, it's 90° here in Moscow, ID. Sunday it's supposed to be over 100°. Blech! I'm looking forward to the thunder storms on Monday. Yay!
Thanks for the giveaway. I love giveaways, especially if I win. =o) I still have yet to try out wall decals, but I love the above-cabinet one you posted. Those cabinets look just like mine, even her wall color so I know that would look good in my home. Thanks!
It's currently 76 near Kansas City. It seems way too cold for August!!
Good ol 108 today in Phoenix area! I'm staying inside today...too bad I don't have some cute vinyl monograms like these to keep me busy while I'm indoors today!
It's around 90 in VA Beach. It's hot like those wall decals.
It's about 80* out today. It's really been pretty nice here in the Ozarks, lately...
I live in the South Puget Sound and it is 86.7 outside in the shade. It's only supposed to get warmer and I am not a big fan hot weather.
This is a lovely giveaway! I went to the jk vinyl etsy shop and am overwhelmed by the possibilities! What cute decals! I love the owl on the branch, it would look so cute in my daughter's room!!! I have my fingers crossed! :)
My mind is going crazy thinking of all the possibilities! I love her stuff. Currently it's 92 degrees in So Cal.
These are cute! It's 89 here in Huntsville, AL.
LOve this! current temp in Normal, IL is 83.
It is 86 in SLC, but I am on vacation here... at home in Fresno it is over 100. Love the giveaway.
LOVE these!!!!
I'm in Dallas and it's a humid 95 today, but in August, I'm not complaining.
Beautiful decals!
79 at the moment in the suburbs of Chicago. Very pleasant!
I love the ideas! Currently it is 63.5 degrees in cloudy Buffalo, NY!
earlier it was like 80 but we had a thunderstorm!
Only 72 here today, though I like it hot. 105 sounds okay to me.
Such cute ideas! I'm a newcomer to your blog...but I love it! It's about 101 outside right now in the central Valley of California-Visalia, that is. ~Trish
I'm getting those topiaries if I win or not! Too cute. I can't believe you are as hot as me in Vegas, 105!
only 104 ... feels like fall ...
Love vinyl! It can go anywhere! It is a pleasant 84 degrees here.
Here in TN I believe it is getting up to around 85 degrees.
LOVE the cute vinyls!
Great giveaway!!!! 95 degrees in TX.
Sue Benson
a great feature! it's 83-87 in OK today (depending on the clouds :) loving this cooler august weather...and hoping it will just lead straight into autumn!!!
hope you're staying cool though. 105--ouch!
Monograms are my personal favorites... and those are fabulous!!!!
Today is nearly perfect... 86 and I LoVe it!!
It is 74 degree's here in MO. This has been the most mild Aug we have had! Loving it!!!
oh! i love the topiary above the cabinet idea! i was just lamenting to my hubby this week that our above the cabinet area looks so bare!!!! - it is a balmy 79 degrees! absolutely gorgeous after a downpour last night!
It's 85 degrees here. Feels so nice! I think it's going to rain.
It is a lovely 82 degrees! Thank you!!
It is currently fair and 81 degrees here in the Heartland. Almost perfect.
i could definitely use some help decorating and organizing my small apartment and these would be so cute! it's currently 83 here in lovely provo, utah.
I've really been wanting to try some of the vinyl lettering/decorations. Fun stuff! The temp here is 81!
Brrrr! It is 57 degrees here today and rainy. My daughter's 2nd birthday party was supposed to be a swimming party in the backyard tomorrow...on to Plan B!
It will be around 95 here in Texas! Thank you!
it's actually nice here in st. louis today! upper 80's!
Only 87 here in Dallas today, finally. HALLELUJAH!
Love your blog, just happened to find it today! It's 108 degrees here in good ol' AZ! Yuck!
love it! Thanks so much!
Oh sorry... it's 90 degrees here today in good ole davis county utah
About 85ish today in Utah county :)
Love the vinyl!!!!
Right now it is 84 degrees in South East Texas! It is hot humid and we are headed to the beach!
Love your giveaways!
What cute vinyl!!! I think it's 97 here today but I haven't actually been outside for the last 2 days. I'll stay in here where it's not make-up melting hot.
In Iowa, we had a beautiful day-high of 83, but at 5:45 p.m. a delightful and sunny 77 degrees. Awesome! We had a lousy winter, a late spring, and flooding summer, so this was a wonderful break!
Oh i love the decals! It's 63 outside and raining right now according to my little Weather Bug :)
it's been around 100 most days, but it's raining today and only 87 degrees! thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some of those adorable decals! I love!
It's 104 outside here in Fresno... ick!
I love those monograms! So cute!
Supposed to be 103 here. Thank goodness for AC!
91 degrees here 35 miles south of Atlanta, Georgia...ughhh...where's fall??? I just love monograms!!! xxoo, Dawn
Just a cool 101 at 4pm in Cali! Blek!
My car says 90 in Georgia.
LOL! Kim, you should head on out my way... this is what it was 10 min ago AND ITS HOTTER NOW!
I love that round personalized monogram on the wall! Very fun accent.
It's 97 here in Austin, Texas...and we are having a "cool spell!" It's been in the hundreds for weeks!
It is about 95 here in Hot Springs Arkansas. I love your site I just found it!
El Nino, La Nina, Global Warming, whatever the cause, keep it up, middle of August in Oklahoma and we have 82 at 6:00 at night. I'm in heaven anything lower than 90 is a treat.
It's 88 degrees in Greensboro, NC!
Here in Central Oregon we're hovering around 95 and no AC in the house-ick!
It's a balmy 55° here in Wasilla, AK. A decal or two would sure brighten up my summer!
That vinyl topiarie is really cute!!! I like that idea!! It's about 100 here in Mesa, AZ!!!! I love it too!!
perfect 80 degree in Maine! Summer in Maine is the B-E-S-T!
It is a cool 95 degrees and partly cloudy in the Inland Empire area of Southern California!
It's 74 at the moment with a nice breeze here in Maine.
I recently found your blog (through TipJunkie) and love it! I also love these decals ... so creative. It's 85 here today, but inside my house it feels like 95. So of course I decided to cook a lasagna. ::shakes head::
It is a sunny 79 degrees here in Sioux City Iowa.
The sun's already down here, and it's still 86 degrees. :)
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
that is soooo cute! I love the monograms and family saying. It is 81 here in Minnesota-debating on closing the windows and starting the air.
Well, it is 7:18 pm and it is 85. It was 95 when I got in my car after work. Humidity is about the same...lovely Houston! Need help organizing when you come home melted!! Yes!
I stumbled across your blog and love it. It is 102 here at Travis AFB, CA. Gotta love the California summers!
Here in Lafayette, IN it is 75. I can't believe this is Aug. goes in 50's at night. I love it.
I love your pantry- how about coming to do mine.
hi! it is 84 degrees right now in dallas. i can't believe that though because it seems hotter!
i've been a fan of jk vinyl-she's in my favorites on etsy and i've been eyeing that scalloped monogram for months trying to decide how to do my "J" wall. a whole wall of different letter J's. think this would be the perfect centerpiece.
It's currently 61 degrees and raining here...I love it! Our farmers need some moisture, and my lawn is so happy to get a little bit wet. It smells so heavenly too!
It's 84 here in Maryland!
Hi! This is a fun giveaway--thanks for the chance to win. It's 105 here in California's Central Valley and has been 105+ all week. We need a break.
Only 93 here in Texas- only because it has been raining this afternoon.
Love this giveaway- crossing my fingers!
98 degrees baby. I can't believe its cooler here in FL than where you are.
What a fantastic giveaway. I'm drooling. Seriously.
Our high today was 80, has been like that all week & it feels colder then that, annoying!
It was 105 hot degrees here in southern Nevada...1 hour north of Las Vegas. Great ideas with the vinyl!
When I went out today it was 91 but that was this morning. I am sure it got to 100 today in Mcallen TX.
I love her stuff! What an amazing giveaway!!
It's 7:00 pm right now and it's 80 degrees. Not bad. :) I love her vinyl. Great giveaway!!!
it's 68 degrees here right now, upstate NY, 9pm
It's 101 here today, in southwestern Idaho..icky! Thanks!
It is only 66* here right now!!! PERFECT in my opinion!!! I wish it was this temp ALL year! LOL
I would LOVE a gift certificate for their etsy shop!!! What GREAT stuff and I LOVE to label things!!! :)
A blessed 86 degrees. Down right chilly...Love the ideas.
mid-70's in Connecticut and that is just fine with me (I hate the heat)...
What a great give-away!!! Thanks so much!
Right now it's 70 degrees but it is about 9:30 p.m. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid eighty's....a perfect summer day in Central Pennsylvania!
It's a balmy 66 degrees here this evening in Wisconsin! Very comfy for sleeping! Tomorrow during the day should be in the 80's - gotta love summer!
it was ~90 degrees here in northern Alabama. And about the same for tomorrow. Thanks for thinking of us!
it is a beautiful 78 degrees today...really odd for Florida in August, but I will take it!!
Well right now it's 78, but tomorrow it's going to be 88 - not to bad for GA in August - hmmm!
Great our neck of the woods its about 22 celcius..yes we use metric up here in Canada. Kinda rainy, but I hear the weekend is supposed to be great-
Delurking (finally!), because I've been wanting to do something with vinyl decals for a while, and just haven't gotten around to making a decision and ordering them!
Its currently 70 degrees outside (its 10:21pm), with a high of 88.
Oh it is a warm 94 or so here in Washington...this no air conditioning thing is a little hard in the northwest but i am adjusting!!! What a generous her stuff!
80 degrees here and sunny all day... well was, now it's dark out :( Good Night!
Its only in the mid-60's here in Connecticut... and raining!! :)
Hey! Today, it was a high of 97 degrees but that doesn't put into consideration the humidity!! Living in San Antonio, you always deal with humidity!
It's cooling down this weekend, we're expecting 80's through the next 5 days woohoo
it's 81 outside right now.
88 degrees in HUMID Oklahoma!!
So cute! I love the pretend topiary.
The outside temp .... 82 degrees. It's been unusually 'cool' here.
Thanks for the giveaway!
It was a nice 90 degrees here in south Alabama!! Very unusual for this time of year.
It is 79 degrees outside right now and cloudy. :-)
83 in East tennessee....beautiful day.
Wow! What a great givaway! Here in Northern Utah (Brigham City) the high today was they say. I can't wait till fall!
Richt now it's 8:59 pm and it is 98 degrees. we had record highs today in Las vegas!! I think we hut 111 which is a record for this late in the summer!!
71 degrees, with clear skies! Fall can't come soon enough!
It's a gorgeous 90 degrees here in SC! Charlene
It's been so wonderful here, lately, in the mid to upper 80's. I love it! Right now (at 11:20 pm) it's 72! And I'm so glad jk vinyl is your feature! I found her esty shop through another site several months ago and totally fell in love! I want the giant dandylion to have blowing across my wall!
This is one of the first times to your site! I'm loving it! I think it was around 100 degrees here in Oregon today, but I stayed indoors so I'm not for sure.
Tomorrow it is supposed to be 82 in Michigan..... This is why August is referenced as the dog days of summer...stay cool
Its 63 right now but it's also 11:30pm!!
here it's 10:30pm and 20 degrees celcius :) it's not too hot, love it!
Saturday will be an unseasonably cool 83 degrees here in Oklahoma!
A whoppin' 49°F here in Parker, Colorado! And I am luvin' it! This is coming from someone who's had their A/C on since January..oh yes I have! Roll on Fall!
So Cute and such creative ways to use them! It is 10:50 PM and the temp is 82! Beautiful.
It is 75 at 10:58 in California while watching Micheal Phelps winning his 7th metal. What a great night. What a great give away. Thanks
Right now it is 75 outside, tomorrow it will be about 101. I live in Spokane and had no idea you were in Washington/Oregon, that is excitin'! I must have a vinyl topiary!
It's 85 degrees here in warm NY. Eighty five degrees is actually low for us, but it's raining and we are getting tornado warnings. For Brooklyn, NY that is very strange.
and dont feel bad when your not up to blogging! we all go those those days and your making a post everyday! wow! you rock!
Socal midnight about 72 i think... guessing but thats what it feels like to me!
She has some fantastic ideas! How fun. Our temperature for today is a high of 82*. Please enter me in your delightful giveaway drawing. Thanks so much.....Cindi
Hi Kim,
oh, the cabinet organization is just...what a deep-in-her-heart-messy girl who don't like the fact and dreams of being organized just have to have ;o).
Please, put me in the draw, I would be beyond thrilled if I won...oooh and the wall decals...gorgeous!
O.K., the temperature outside is 66°F (sunny weather) in Berlin, Germany {and that in mid august...!}
Thanks for this great giveaway,
cheers, Julia
I think I saw somewhere around 106 to 108 this weekend but pretty normal for Vegas this time of year. I too am in love with monograms. I would love the big "B" for our last name. Pick me pick me!
Love the topiary! Cute, cute stuff!
Outside high temp for today? A breezy 79! ~FW
What a GREAT give-a-way!!! I'm just west of St. Louis, and we are having resort like weather - unheard of in St. Louis in August!! right now it's 64 and should only be in the low 80's today with sunshine!! woohoooo!!!
It's 73 degrees here in the northeast -- cool for August!
I love those studio JK designs! I hope I win!!! =)
I to love the decals. Have been wanting a vinyl cutter sooooo badly, but can't justify the cost. It is 70 here in north Mississippi this morning, but suppose to reach 90 by afternoon. Very unusual for this time of year. We are normally around 100.
61 degrees
Fall have just about arrived.
It's only going to be 80 in Fort Wayne Indiana. Very cool for this time of year, but we are loving it as we head out to do pony rides. :)
High of 82 here in Westchester, NY with a chance of thunder storms. Love the vinyl decals and am looking for some damask ones to use in my bathroom.
Thankfully it's in the low 80's after days of over 100. I think it's 83 outside right now... can't wait for winter-y weather!
These decals are too cute!
Don't get over here as much as I'd like...but I love your posts!
I think here in Houston it's actually only supposed to be around 90 or so--which is low, but don't be deceived. The humidity will be somewhere around 4000percent (okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little) so it will feel like 105 anyway.
Like Kristin (comment 2) said, w likke rain system moved through OK and we are LOVING the mid 80s (2 weeks ago is was over 100!!)
Love the giveaway~THANKS
Oh I just ordered a vinyl wall word off ebay. I'm going to check her site...cute stuff! It's going to be a high of 88 today in coastal Georgia. Jacket weather! ha ha But we will have thunderstorms. Typical!
It's 66 right now at 6:34 am in San Diego, but it will get to 87 by 1...
I love all of the studio jk vinyls! So cute:)
Right now at 8:53 am it's only 68 degrees...yickes is this really August!!
I love the Monograms I can already picture it on my living room wall!!
Those are awesome. It's only 65 degrees here now.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I am a vinly addict- and this is some of the most original i've seen. It's amazingly 67 here in North Texas-- very humid-- but at least its not in the 100's like it was last week, and the week before that, and the week before that :D
High today is 84 in East Texas. Crazy for us but it is cloudy and is supposed to rain today. Cute Stuff! I am excited about this giveaway.
Ooh, love a giveaway - and this looks like a great store! The current temp in Melb Australia is 9 Celsius (48 F) - it is after midnight, though.
I love vinyl. Very cool giveaway.
We are hitting a cool streak and are only going to be 99 today with humidity at 52%. So today the greater Phoenix area is not dry as we usually brag about.
It's 94 here today, much cooler because of needed rain! What a fabulous giveaway :-)
Have a fabulous day!
It's supposed to be hot today in Oz (eighty five this morning, temps climbing this afternoon), but not nearly as HOT (ha--ot?) as those decals!
Wow! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the decals. How very cute and fun.
Today is 76 and breezy in Erie, PA
It will be about 85 here today where we live in the SF bay. Definitely nothing to complain about!
It's 69 degrees right now at 8:00am but it's going to get alot hotter today! I love these decals and her ideas are sooooo creative!
currently in hamilton, ontario
24 degrees Celsius
(sorry not sure what that equals in farenheit)
these vinyl decals are AWESOME!!!
i want them all over my house!!!!
(sorry not sure if this posted)
Good Morning from southern Manitoba, Canada where we will reach 30'C today!! LOVE those decals & your FAB site!! Sincerely, Valerie xo
78 degrees in Louisville, Ky.
Currently it's 73, with a forecasted high of 82, in SW Minnesota.
We finally got some rain here in Louisiana. Currently it's extremely pleasant at 71 degrees! It feels like winter to us!
Cute Blog!!! Its 71 here in north Utah this morning, but Im sure it will get much hotter this afternoon!
I'm in an air-conditioned building at work so I have to guess it's about 78 degrees in NH today.
It's cooled off here in Provo, Utah. Only about 80 degrees. NICE!
I love your blog! It will be about 89 here in beautiful Utah! Thanks for all the great ideas! Danielle
What a fun blog!! The vinyl above the cupboards is such a cute idea!
Temp here in Boise is a whopping 85 degrees right now (I'm not complaining!!!)
Those are too cute! It's 81 degrees here in East Tennessee. Not too bad!
Only 104 for a high in Vegas today.
This vinyl lettering is so awesome! I am going to have to check out her etsy site! Maybe I can get her to do a trade with me if I don't win this giveaway:)
I wonder if you live near my sister, in Redmond, WA? She said it's been HOT! I live in Costa Rica and it's 88 degrees right now. Thanks for making me go outside to check the temp - it's a beautiful day with a nice little breeze so I'm going to take the dogs for a walk.
Have a wonderful day!
Its a beautiful 73 here in Eagar, AZ. Gotta love the mountians!
It's actually on 77 degrees here in Pocatello, ID--usually it is MUCH warmer.
LOVE those ideas for the vinyl decals!
A beautiful 84 degrees here in Tampa. The humidity is still high though....but it's a great day! And I would absolutely love to win this!!! This has been on my wish list for so long!
87degrees here in utah..
Hard to believe, but today it is only going to get to about 90 degrees due to thunderstorms and such. Of course, the humidity is at 90-100%, but I'm thankful for a break in the heat! I'm in Louisiana.
Oh, I love that pantry. I need to do that. My system (system? Yeah right!) just isn't working for me.
Ditto for the totes. We just now found the summer clothes. BTW, it is at least 90 outside right now but it's going up to 100 again here in Salem, Oregon. Whew! Better head back to the coast again to cool off!
Love the vinyl rub-ons...I want one soooo bad:o)
It is about 90 degrees here in Orlando...very wet and rainy!
It is 95 here in South Texas. I hope I win - I could definitely use some organization help. And it is cute as well - how fun is that??!!
I have been thinking about doing a wall decal for a while now. Thanks for the great source. It is 79 and sunny (for the moment) with chances of thundershowers in Boston.
Oh my what a wonderful give away!
Today in the middle of the cornfields of Nebraska it is 80 degrees. Feels great. It might even rain this evening.
Ann in Kearney, NE
96 in Austin, and still holding out hope for some afternoon rain...
OMG! Great ideas! It is finally a cool 103 degrees in sunny Phoenix.
It's 54 degrees here in Parker Colorado (Denver) today...50 yesterday. Wow! We're breaking back out the long sleeves and jeans.
It's a fabulous 86 degrees here in HOTLANTA. Love your site Kim!! Such great ideas.
It is 34C here in Vancouver today! That's 93F for you Americans!!
Love the labels on the totes... very classy! I have a lot of bins in my studio that would look great with those decals! ~Cindy Lietz
Phoenix Az is 101* w/ 24% humidity and 58 dewpoint.
It's what we call Monsoon season here. so its quite muggy for our lovely DESERT- i HATE it! i dont mind 120* but humidity has GOT to go! and it will soon.
and does anybody even KNOW what a dewpoint does??? lol!
LOVE vinyl lettering etcs. soooo wonderful!
Easily in the 100's like it is every day here in AZ. Bring on the fall please!!
only 93, if you believe the weatherman. But what does he know?
86 in never gets too hot here (though I'm from AL, so I guess hot is a relative term!)
I want a monogram for my wall!!!
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