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Friday, July 27, 2007

Greenie Gardens

Greenie is Heather's Mother.................Heather from Splaneyo.............I featured her a few days ago and if I would take the time to learn or if someone would email me and tell me how to do those links just from the word..........know what I mean? So you could just click on the word Heather and it would take you there.........yes, someone tell me how to do it.

Anyhoooo..........Greenie is Heathers Mom. This explains alot. No wonder Heather is so dang crafty and talented.

I'm trying to figure out if Greenie's specialty is quilts or gardening??? She is amazing with both. Her gardens are not just a plant here and a plant there. It's the Las Vegas of gardening.........not as in dry.........but over the top, amazing, stunning. She recently moved from her California home back to Michigan to be near her crafty daughter.........where they are making updates to their new (old) Michigan home. I love seeing before and afters! LOVE THEM.Love this it! I would love to have a large work table in the middle of my kitchen.This house is stunning. I love all the old charm. She has all the perfect antiques to fill this baby up. She even has a statue of a naked woman...........that's a sign that she is with it, hip, full of energy and a true artist.

Are you ready? More quilts.............and she did these by hand stitching. This lavendar one below has my heart. Beautiful. This is such a lost art. I know quilting is making a comeback........but I think it takes a while for the true artist quilts, like this one........that's my professional opinon anyway. :)This photo of her husband holding his birthday quilt is darling.

My birthday is September 3rd. :)


Elle Jay Bee said...

Hi Kim!
Yes, Heather's mum is equally talented,like her daughter!! Can you believe that house??!! I can just picture them getting together over tea and a piece of one of Heather's beautiful cakes in Greenie's beautiful kitchen. They are lucky to be so close and similar. Makes me wish my mum lived nearer...
By the way, as for making a word a link: highlight that word by left clicking on the word. Then go to the little green eye thingy that Blogger gives you near the top of your post. A new box will pop up and you will see http:// and then it's blank. I delete the http part and instead just right click in the empty spot, select paste and voila! (this is after going to Heather's site and left clicking on her address (very top of page where the IP address shows). You of course right click as well and hit copy) I am sure I have thoroughly confused you. Once the address is in the empty space, hit o.k. and Heather will be linked. Oh my, I hope someone else will explain this better!!

I tried!!


Elle Jay Bee said...

Oops!! In the time it took me to explain the link thing, someone else came along and beat me to the punch! Good thing...!!! ;)

Heather said...

Great pick - she looks like a wonderfully talented person...ohhh, ahhh. She seems to be very gifted with everything she does, including that daughter of hers. She is equally amazing...alright, I guess I should say I'm her daughter at this point. All joking aside my mom is the most down to earth person you will ever "meet". Hope you enjoy her as much as I do. Thanks for featuring her!

Heather said...

Oh, one more thing...I'm sure she won't mind if you call her Stephanie. She answers to Greenie too, but she might be looking for a 5, 3 or 1 year old. Okay, I'm done now - just trying help (again).

Kim -today's creative blog said...

Thanks for all the link info. I'll try it.

Heather, thanks for letting me know your mom's name.

katiedid said...

Great house and great mother daughter combo!

sheetal patel said...

love seeing all the inspiration here!

i've found this site helpful for a variety of blogging questions (am including the link for what you're looking for exactly...)

Greenie Gardens said...

Dear Kim, Thanks again for the feature and yes, it is clematis
(I'm a terrible speller) growing on the arch. You really know your plants! Stephanie