I don't know exactly how I stumbled upon Erin and her delicous handmade jewelery, but I remember thinking to myself "oooh, I love her stuff........make sure to feature her!"

When I went to find her again, I couldn't find her site anywhere. I searched for a few days. I couldn't remember a name or where I had found her in the first place. Today, she had left me a comment on my personal blog http://scrap-to-my-lu.blogspot.com . I try to respond to all comments and when I clicked on hers and her site popped up I jumped out of my chair. My poor cat Peaches about had a heart attack. I really should move her bed out of my scraproom.

here are a few of Erin's creations.
She sells on ebay and of course Etsy. She has 3 cute little children and a husband that just earned his Masters. Where she finds the time to create is beyond me, but I'm so glad she does. Her son even sold a couple of bracelets that he designed himself on ebay. I may have to break my "no bracelets" rule and wear one of these. (can't stand anything around my wrists..........I must have been tortured in a previous life) :)

I found a few great photos too. I love a photo when it makes me think differently. This is such a cool shot.

And look at these jeans! She made these! Yes she did. She sold them on ebay. What a cute idea.
Thank you for the feature, that was so sweet!
Erin makes the most beautiful jewelry!
you have such great finds, kim. thanks for sharing!
This blog is soooo bad for my pocketbook!
way to go Erin!
What a great blog! Thanks for sharing all these fun blogs : )
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