How do people get so talented? I am amazed to learn more and more about how talented Karla is every time I visit her blog. I am VERY new to her blog. I found her from her finding me..........did that make sense?
She was a commenter on this blog. And I visit every commenters blog cuz I am so excited to see how creative they are. So leave me comments! Don't be shy.
First, my jaw dropped when I saw the photo of her living room. I verified it was hers and that's when she said that photo had been taken for a photo shoot for a magazine! How exciting is that? Then I learned that she writes for a few magazines! Her articles photos are posted on her blog.......go go go see.

Karla does alot of painting. She loves painting Rose's, trying to make the painting look like it was painted 50 yrs ago. Beautiful stuff.

Like the others, this is a blog that you can spend alot of time on and get some great ideas.
I could ramble on and on, but then you wouldn't have as much time to visit hers.

Love those red doors. I'm looking at her couch and all I can think of is "Wow, those pillows sure must come in handy for hiding sippy cups."
Holy smokes! She oozes talent! Such beautiful things.
Wow, I actually have that magazine article in my inspirational files! Thank you for featuring her. I can't wait to visit her, she is amazingly talented!
Thanks again for featuring me, reading it made me blush, how kind! I have had lots of new visitors at my blog thanks to you!
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