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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Get Your Craft On Tuesday!

Grab My Button!
(copy/paste into your own
website or blog):

Grab Our Button!
(copy/paste into your own
website or blog):

Hey all, time to show off!  The basics are:


1. if you made it, you can post it

2. please link back to me.  You can use either button below.

Reminder one:

My switch plates are on sale!  Check them out. 


Also, just a reminder.  All comments are entered for a monthly drawing for a Lisa Leonard necklace.  Oh how we love her.



satakieli said...

Thank you for hosting!

I finally put together a new media center that I've been designing and building for a while now, excited to have it finished!

Bird said...

Hi Kim,

Just popped by to link up and say hi! Thanks for hosting!! :)


Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

Everyone should go check out those switch plates! I love em! Thanks for hosting!

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

So glad I linked up today -- thanks for hosting! And for the chance at the giveaway... wow!!

valerie (at) frugalfamilyfunblog (dot) com

Company EIGHT said...

This is my first time participating...great party!

Leanne said...

Thanks for hosting every week. And yes I love Lisa Leonard jewelry. Have a great week.

Angie said...

I just love Tuesdays because I get so many creative ideas in one spot. Thank you for hosting such a funtastic day!

jennifer said...

Thanks for hosting the party! I love coming by your site!

Jaedyn said...

Thanks for the linky! That necklace is totally gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Already a ton of links to go check out :) Thanks for hosting another party.

Ami Allison said...

Thanks for hosting another great party!!! :)

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Great party as usual! Thanks for having us over.

Lovey said...

All linked up! Thanks for hosting...Lovey

Elizabeth {the Path Less Traveled} said...

thanks so much for hostessing once again - it's always so fun to see what everyone has been up to!

Crafty Like Lindy said...

I always love to see what everyone else has been doing and to share my newest projects! Thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually link up recipes here cuz I know it's mostly a crafty party. But I made something so amazing that I just had to share. Hope that's OK. :)

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Thanks so much for hosting!! Hope that you are having a great day!


Check out Meet Virginia's Wonderfully Wordy Vinyl Giveaway HERE!!

Meet Virginia!

Simply Created by Cole said...

I linked up and tried posting your blog button. It says it won't take the there something I am doing wrong?


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for hosting!! Love seeing all the projects!!

bee blessed

Unknown said...

I love seeing all the great projects! (the buttons do not seem to be working, some of the code seems to be missing, so I wasn't able to put up your button on the post)Thank you for hosting

care-in said...

I've got a couple of projects on the burner. I could spend hours looking through all these.