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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Get Your Craft On Tuesday!

Hey all……our favorite crafty day is here! 

Grab Our Button!
(copy/paste into your own
website or blog):

I love posting all your creative goodness.  It’s show & tell time on TCB.

Sadly, here are the rules.

1.  Please post my button or at least link back to me in the post you link up here. Yes, I know my button is big.  It’s not for your side bar, it’s for your posting area. (5 out of 10 I visit don’t link back……just sayin)

2. If you made it, post it.  It can be anything creative.  Baking, knitting, painting, photography, re-decorating…….yes, I know many of you have made children, and they are cute..….but that’s a whole different category.

3. Please don’t post your own linky party as your creative link. 


satakieli said...

I love tuesdays! Thank you for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting! :)


BJ_Mama said...

Such a WONDERFUL host! THANKS again!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Thanks for hosting Kim! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Thanks for hosting Kim! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

The last Tuesday of did that happen?? Have a great week, Kim!

Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

Thanks for hosting! Hope you are having lots of fun on your vacay!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting! I linked to this but couldn't figure out how to do the button, sorry! BUT i did link back to you! Thank you!!!

Leanne said...

WOw, there's a lot of entries already. Thanks for hosting again.

Decor To Adore said...

I can't wait to see all the wonderful creativity that exists in blogland.

Thank you so very much for hosting.

HoosierHomemade said...

Thanks so much for hosting! I love seeing all the great projects!
I'd love for your readers to stop by my new blog, It's A Blog Party, where everyday I host a different linky party, Mondays are all about crafts and DIY projects and I also have a 4th of July Party going on!
Happy 4th of July!

A Soldier Girl said...

Awesome .. love this

Katie said...

Thanks for hosting my favorite craft linky party!

Grunged, Glittered n' Branded said...

Thanks for letting me Link Up!!!

Erin @ Crafts and Sutch said...

Thanks so much for hosting!

Have a super day!
Erin :)

Cap Creations said...

Thanks so much for hosting!

Well Dressed Cupcakes said...

Thanks for the opportunity! Great to see everyone's creativeness.

Anonymous said...

Wow, just finding your site, love all these idea links... I made sure to link back here when I posted about your blog,

Unknown said...


I finally participated, I been stalking - I mean reading your blog for a long time and never joined anything or posted a comment. I have made a commitment to get more involved with the blogs I read. Keep up the great work.