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Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't Look Now!

Just got home from the Chili going in the crock pot......took Mabelinne out (again) to "finish up".........sat down to check a few a nice comment from On {the laundry} Line who happened to have signed up for our new blog widget........and it looks mighty cute on her site I might add........while there I saw a post that took me to today's featured.
Don't Look Now!
Now you all know I don't sew........well I did 8th grade........I made a was a navy blue quilted number with red ruffles.........but I have never sewn since. My mother was big into sewing and would make almost ALL my school clothes........but my mom was never one of those June Clever kind of crafters. My clothes were made with some very colorful was quite the event to have my mom make an outfit........She wasn't very careful about removing all the pins either.............see....theres so much more behind my fear of sewing.

So you can imagine my shock when I saw this stuff. I doubt she had language as colorful as the pillow......if she did, at least it was with a darling accent.

It totally reminds me of paper know the stuff we scrapbookers used to do to make cute little embellishments. But this is so over the top creative. It also reminded me of the style of scrapbooking the scrappers do in Australia..........and wouldn't you know it.............she's from there. What is it with these Aussies? Is it something in the water? Is it their healthcare system? Whatever it is.........they are the most creative bunch I have come across.
She even has a tutorial on this pillow. I'm tellin right now.......she could be standing in my craft room giving me step by step instructions and I would still be lost.
This is stunning.......It's no wonder she's been published in a popular quilting magazine. Heck she should have her own magazine!

I'm lovin the circles. I love traditional quilts.........but I'd have to say I'm a pretty big fan of these new designs. She is so good at placing colors together. If you are a quilter or at least have a bit of sewing experience...........or I should say a bit of sewing ambition........then you must know she also sells quilt patterns. I suppose I would be very excited about that IF I knew how to sew...........or had the inclination that I could.This busy mum has four children and lets just say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This something her daughter made.........9 yr old daughter. Yea.......well, I can scrapbook. Her daughter even won a bunch of prizes for this in a contest. I doubt even Martha Stewart was this talented at that age. And if you're one of her get the coolest parties. I can so tell the other mom's on her block hate her.Look at that cake! More circles. These kids don't come home with a bag full of crap as a goody bag..........heck they get their very own shirt made by her! This was for an Artsy Party......she made them all matching shirts......could you just die? Yep.........pretty sure the other moms hate her. :)More examples of the shirts she makes. Another amazingly talented woman! Enjoy..........please stop by her blog and tell her how you found her.


Katy said...

I'm really enjoying your blog since I found it about a week or so ago! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful blogs. I fell in love with this cake but couldn't find it on the blog you I missing something? Would love to know more about it :0) Blessings, Kt

Shell in your Pocket said...

OH my goodness...those shirts are just amazing!
sandy toe

Kellie said...

Well you've made me blush!!!
Thank you so much for featuring me ... and it probably is our heath care system :) Have a great day!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Those things are adorable. Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!

Unknown said...

Oh, my goodness,I could never do that and I can't scrapbook either!

Anonymous said...

I have never been a quilt girl, but these are amazing! Thanks for sharing.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Oh my - I'm totally on my way over. I think I am in love. Thanks.

Amy said...

This girl needs an etsy shop or something! I'm so in love!

Unknown said...

ugh, forget the moms on her block, *I* hate her. Even though I love her. I STILL HATE HER. lol.

I have to aslkdfjasdir-ing move to australia. So I can be a better crafter. Is it me, or are all my favs from there? yeesh!

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

She is one talented lady! Adorable work! Love it!

Tanya said...

wow. she really is one that has blown me away! i am excited to go check her out.

jessiev said...

Love your blog...and love love this talented lady's work...I've tried a little quilting in my day...these things are works of art!

Anonymous said...

I've met Kellie - and she is so absolutely lovely that even though you want to hate her you absolutely can't! She's generous, friendly, kind, and phenomenally talented. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Yup she has talent oozing out of every pore of her body, and such a sweet person. I've been reading her blog for some time now, probably because she's a fellow Aussie. Kellie says it's the healthcare, maybe it's the water or perhaps it's all those lovely rays of sunshine. Whatever it is, it's always a joy to visit her blog.

SoBella Creations said...

Oh Wow! Such beautiful work. I'm going to check out her blog now.

Tara said...

WOW! WOW! WOW!! I feel so unworthy!! Absolutely AMAZING!!! favorite'ing this post!! thanks for sharing!!

Jack said...

Okay, I can freak out now about the Scooby Doo party I'm planning for my almost 6-year old next month! This is amazing. She is amazing! Wow-oh-wow-oh-wow!

Lorraine said...

Kellie is pretty talented.....I love her work...we have some wonderful designers here in Aus...and that pillow....loved it when she posted about it...and even better - I "won" it in the giveaway and it now lives at my house! Colour me lucky!

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Some beautiful work. Do Australian scrapbookers design differently to American ones? How so? said...

My jaw is dropped. If I was a mom on her block, I would definitely hate her. The quilts were already amazing, but when I saw the matching shirts and the amazing cake, I was too shocked to speak. :P