Nesting Instincts
I was talking to an old college girlfriend, and somehow we grazed the topic of blogs. I told her about mine.........she was most people are. She then said that I should check out a friend of hers who was super talented and lived in Oregon. FABULOUS! I'm all for finding new blogs, especially when they are recommended by someone I like and trust. I love it when they are in my back yard. So of course I looked this blog up while we were still on the phone...........I was so excited. I loved the blog and told her I would feature it.............even though she didn't have me listed in her side links! No, it's not a requirement.........I just like seeing that other people like me.........that they really like me..........OK I love Sally Fields too.

And her after! WOWZA! Silver chairs! Now that takes vision. She has more photos of all the details on her blog.Here is a recent room she did for someone.........this is the BEFORE
She wanted to create a lighter feeling, brighten the space up. I'd say she did that, wouldn't you? I'd also say this gal loves Southern Living at HOME...........I guess the home owner was a SLAH consultant. Love that stuff.
Here's a little girls room she re-designed. Stuff...........we girls never change do we?
Ahhh, we can breath now.
Courtney loves to plan showers, parties, etc...... Here's just a peek at a banner from a baby shower. Love that it's not the traditional baby colors. You'll have to check out her blog to see all the other details.
Head on over and tell her I sent you........nothing thrills me more you know. She has great ideas that we can use in our own!
And I have to admit my friend Laurie knows my style and just knew I'd love this blog. Thanks Laurie.
Another giveaway coming for Friday!
I'm so glad you featured Courtney. Her blog is one of my favorites. She is truly talented, and Nesting Instincts is like a breath of fresh air. -Julia :-)
Enjoyed your blog article..nice before and afters:)
I can't wait to go check her out...btw~you are listed on my personal blog, not the one that I ALWAYS comment with...silly girl!! :o)
I NEVER would have thought to paint those chairs silver, but they look really cool. Clearly, she is a talented lady.
BTW, love your blog!
Awesome; I'm headed right over!
NOW YOU ARE ON BOTH OF MY BLOGS!!!! heehee!!!;o)
wow, what a shock to get back from dinner tonight and discover you featured my blog! You know I had meant to list your blog in my blogroll a few months back...really I fact, was going to send you a link in the HOPE that you would feature me...but didn't feel my blog was good enough yet. :-) apparently I was wrong. I am properly chastised and will now proudly display both the linky and your link for all the world to see. Thank you Kim - this is a great honor! Okay I'm supposed to be putting my girls in bed now but snuck I better get back... :-) Thanks for the blog love!!!
Oh I love Courtney's Blog! She's such a great person too!!! Great feature! Jen R
so cute! I love the artist she has featured right now, very cool.
The silver chairs actually sent shivers down my spine. What do I have that I can paint silver? Hmmmm....
This is a sweet blog you and Laurie found. I love the idea of working with what's already there. It's about editing, editing, editing.
These ideas featured are not only smart but perfect for putting the smackdown on a room you may be tired of looking at! I am going to use some of the featured ideas and also some of the ideas from her personal blog, too.
This is the second night in a row I have stayed up past midnight looking at the blog...niiice!
I love to blog hop, and came across yours by accident - now I have all these others to view as well!
Thanks for compiling them all:)
I'm so glad you featured Courtney. She's been on my faves for a while. She does the most wonderful redecorating and she's just an all around great gal!
oh I love these pictures! so fun! i am an interior designer. With 4 little kids at home I am not working in the field at the moment. But doing re-designing would be a good way to get back into it. no shopping! thanks for featuring this blog!
Oh, my goodness... What a great job!!!
Love your blog! I've found lots of interesting places here.
I love the idea of using what you already have! Thanks for featuring this blog...
I am so happy you featured Nesting Instincts!! I *love* Courtney's blog and stop by nearly every day. She's a creative and kindred spirit in blogland.
WOW Courtney does amazing work!
Thanks for the find! I also re-design and stage homes. Have to check out her blog!
By the way- yours is always filled with fun finds too!
Oh, I love this blog and Courtney herself is such a supportive person to other blogs. She has talent seeping from every pore, and I bet she is taking the Portland area by storm!!!
Again, another great pick!
Wow! Amazing!
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