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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Make and Takes

OK.........I'm not sure, but I'm thinking I have told you all how much I love tutorials! Even though I can be crafty, I'm not always a risk taker. Some crafts I think are too hard, so I don't try them. Lame....I know. But you mom's know how precious your time is.........I don't need to suck up a bunch of time on a project that's not going to work. Let someone else figure it out........then teach me. That's my motto. That's what Make and Takes is all about.

Marie with Make and Takes is the typical gung ho mom that makes alot of us look lazy.........not that we really just looks that way next to super mom Marie. She's got one up on us though.......she was a kindergarten teacher for a few years before staying home with her own darlings..........see I told you, she a professional. I know how these k-8 teachers see I had 4 room mates that were k-8 elementary ed majors........I was the only k-12 PE major. These gals saved EVERYTHING. McDonald's Styrofoam big mac containers (yes, mikky d's has come a long least they're not using that crap anymore), toilet paper rolls, buttons, name it and they had it. Fast forward 20 years and I found myself saving all this junk for crafty things for my son. I should have never scoffed at their habits.

Anyhoooo................................Marie with Make and Takes has so many great ideas for family fun. Some really simple and some really inventive. She keeps these kids busy. What happened to watching TV?
Kids love stamping with food. Love these Apple Cards......
And I have always wanted to do this........melt down a few crayons.
Into these........what fun.
Hand puppets are always fun for little ones.
Now this one is one I can honestly say that I have never seen or heard of. Painted bread that you toast. Yum yum.......I think. But I bet the kids loved it.

And another one I have never heard of or thought of. Probably because it takes in planning ahead. You take a bowl, place a toy inside, fill with water and freeze. You can place it in their bath or let them play in the sink. ..........because you know how they love playing in the sink.....and it NEVER makes a mess. Just wait til her son wants to play in the sink with his hot wheels that have been in the sand box all mess.With Spring just starting to show it's self here, I loved this idea. And it's recycling at the same time........I guess that's really what all these elementary teachers are doing.........recycling. This bird feeder is so cute. And it doesn't look too hard.But for those rainy days you know will happen, here is a project that guessed it........a toilet paper roll. She's got the tutorial on her site. In fact EVERYTHING is pretty much a tutorial. I will leave you with this last project that I think is brilliant! Etched casserole dishes.......Great for a gift or just so you get it back. The tutorial is on her site.If you have little ones around, this site is great! So many simple everyday ideas to entertain even the most active child.

Don't forget to tell her how you found her.


{oc cottage} said...

What amzing ideas! The crayons are so cool! And I really want to
try the toast!

Thx for featuring Marie.

M ^..^

Amy said...

This is one of my favorite sites- great job!

Melissa Lester said...

Looks like we have some great ideas for summer fun with the kids out of school. Thanks!

Sherry said...

Wow, there are some really great ideas there! Thanks for the link.

jane said...

This is amazing! Can't wait to try out those crayons.

~And the block of ice with the toy inside might not be too bad in the height of Summer...

Swapna said...

Hi, Your blog is absolutely cool and very very interesting..great going...

Lea said...

Fab ideas... Thank you x

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

Thanks for the great shout out! I have tons of fun being crafty and I hope these projects rub off onto others! That's why I do this! Thanks for such a great post and the link love. You are always sharing great blogs. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

That bird feeder is perfect! Thanks for sharing this blog with us! Love that you do that (and sad that I haven't found you sooner!)

The Runyans said...

oh fun fun.

i love finding new things for sam and i to do!

I Do Faces said...

I always look at you blog & I FINALLY just added a blinkie on my blog. Thanks for all the fun tips!!

Elise said...

Hi Kim

Thank you so much for featuring such a creative mum.

I have spent ages going through Marie's blog and have loved every minute of it.

What a wonderful way for us mums to network and share creative ideas.

Warmest wishes

Misc. Muse said...

I love your site! These ideas are so cute. My kids are grown. I'd love to borrow someones, I'd adopt a grand or two let me know. LOL Thanks for showing us all this great stuff!

Elle Jay Bee said...

I love tutorials, too! I just wish that I actually tried some...

Have a great weekend, Kim!

Anonymous said...

What a great blog you have! I'm glad I found you and I'm looking forward to looking through some of your previous posts.

Angie said...

This blog is a new favorite of mine. Fantastic ideas!

Saucy said...

Simple ideas are some of the most effective ones! Love the toy in the ice cube - now that is ingenious!

My Three Girls (The A girls) said...

As one of those ex elementary teachers..I have to AGREE we keep the oddest things but make the greatest things from them.

I am stealing the bird feeder idea. That is a great one. Also as I reading the post my daughter saw the colorful toast idea and wants to make it. I am enjoying your blog.

liz mataraza said...

these are wonderful ideas! so fun and simple...right up my alley!

Tip Junkie said...

I adore Marie! I'm so glad you featured her.

Kelsey said...

Marie has inspired me in my craftiness. I have a tutorial that I think is pretty great about making Japanese stab books, complete with video. I would love for you to check me out at