Miss Jen over at The Cottage Nest has a great sense of style. (and her little girl is following right in her footsteps) When she's not sharing bits of her own home, she is showing you great ideas that inspire her, which seem to always be what I needed to see.
I love the way she has stored her supplies in her studio. Function with style. Her green table is to die for, you gotta see it! We're waiting to see more Miss Jen.

Great blog idea! I love it - very cute : ) You are right - I will be here often - thanks for the tip!
She really does have wonderful style. Great pick!
She sure does have style. I love your blog. I am certainly gonna be her quite a bit.
Fun theme for a blog!!!
My husband deleted your email but I just wanted to say thanks for the write-up below. I linked you up on my blog too! I will be checking in regularly.
You are too sweet to think of me, Kim! I haven't responded to your request for pics because upon further thought, I didn't feel like I had anything CREATIVE to contribute. I'm glad you saw it differently. I'm linking up your blog and I look forward to checking back regularly to see what kind of creativity you are spotlighting every day.
I love her site too and her style!
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